Bad Karma

Bad Karma


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3 hours ago @ Crasstalk - Maybe This Will Be A N... · 0 replies · +3 points

This pastry chef tries to make Jelly Bellies and she tackles buttered popcorn.

2 days ago @ Crasstalk - Happy, Happy Hump Day ... · 3 replies · +13 points

I think we're going to try Buenos Aires. There's still a chance the visas could be approved, but it doesn't look good. This is overwhelming. I'm so so so tired. It's so weird to not have a permanent home.

2 days ago @ Crasstalk - Happy, Happy Hump Day ... · 8 replies · +13 points

More visa drama. The other Mr's FBI report contains one really really bad black mark that happened just before we met and I think it's going to torpedo our chances for new visas. All these years and he never told me about it. Never once. Today was quite a surprise.

2 days ago @ Crasstalk - Happy, Happy Hump Day ... · 0 replies · +7 points

He's worth like 150 mil. There isn't an actual spiritual advisor on the planet worth 150 mil. He's a wad of cash that says stupid things about the universe. I understand this is where he gets his knowledge.

2 days ago @ Crasstalk - Happy, Happy Hump Day ... · 0 replies · +9 points

I have long said there is no such thing as a good billionaire. Every single one of them needs to be reminded that they indeed are dicks just because they're billionaires. Doesn't matter where the billions come from.

3 days ago @ Crasstalk - New, Weird Week Open T... · 0 replies · +10 points

I'm so sorry DQ. It's always so hard. He had a good life thanks to you.

3 days ago @ Crasstalk - New, Weird Week Open T... · 0 replies · +2 points

The chivas roll past my building on the weekends but they don't stop so it's only a minor annoyance. And noise is an unavoidable part of life here. I just assume I'll be up until 2 or 3 on Saturday nights due to the noise levels.

3 days ago @ Crasstalk - New, Weird Week Open T... · 1 reply · +5 points

I've heard mixed things about Uruguay, mostly that it's unfriendly. And a lot more expensive than Argentina and Medellin. But I'll do some.research.

3 days ago @ Crasstalk - New, Weird Week Open T... · 5 replies · +5 points

So what about Buenos Aires? Lima is no longer a contender because healthcare sucks. Portugal, Spain and Costa Rica are too expensive. Sure Argentina's economy is near collapse and inflation is out of control, but the dollar is still strong and I do love a bargain.

4 days ago @ Crasstalk - New, Weird Week Open T... · 6 replies · +25 points

Moon over Medellin