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2 months ago @ Crasstalk - Kicking Off The Week O... · 1 reply · +10 points

Is that the first word you put in too?

I was pissed that "midden" was not in the dictionary for yesterday but fucking "Lilliputian" was a pangram on Saturday. What fucking definition of "obscure" are they using?

5 months ago @ Crasstalk - Quiet Weekend Open Thread · 0 replies · +5 points

Yeah that doesn’t help!

I’m working for an optometrist and when people first start getting fitted for contacts for presbyopia it can take a few different adjustments before people find what works for them. Same for progressive lenses in glasses.

5 months ago @ Crasstalk - Quiet Weekend Open Thread · 3 replies · +5 points

Ahh. Monovision is when they adjust the prescription so one eye is for distance and one is for near vision. They use your dominant eye for distance and that eye will have a smaller number (the sphere part of your Rx). If you don’t tolerate one the other is a possibility. But the answer for both glasses and contacts is to give your brain some time to adjust to processing with them. You might not adapt at the end but it might get better with time.

Doing contacts just for distance and using readers over them can also work.

6 months ago @ Crasstalk - Quiet Weekend Open Thread · 5 replies · +4 points

Have you tried monovision instead of bifocal CLs?

5 months ago @ Crasstalk - Get Started Open Thread · 0 replies · +6 points

Thank you—yes, on top of the grief there’s a CPS investigation (it was SIDS, no wrongdoing involved) and the money. It’s shit all the way around.

5 months ago @ Crasstalk - Get Started Open Thread · 0 replies · +6 points

Thank you for the donation; I wish they didn’t have to worry about the money on top of everything else.

5 months ago @ Crasstalk - Get Started Open Thread · 5 replies · +10 points

My coworkers’ sister lost her newborn Friday before Christmas and they need to raise money for the burial or cremation. If you have anything to throw their way it would be very much appreciated.

5 months ago @ Crasstalk - Get Started Open Thread · 7 replies · +9 points

Sorry to show up to beg, but infant death ITR.

6 months ago @ Crasstalk - Wow It's the Weekend O... · 1 reply · +9 points

I'm not that texas!

6 months ago @ Crasstalk - Wow It's the Weekend O... · 1 reply · +9 points

Hey yourself! How's it going?