Mr. Thighs

Mr. Thighs


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6 months ago @ Crasstalk - Let's Do A New Week Op... · 0 replies · +4 points

Variety is always best. If you happen to know who your mail carrier is leave something specific for them.

7 months ago @ Crasstalk - Let's Do A New Week Op... · 4 replies · +17 points

If you can leave a snack or bottle of water for your mail carrier please do so, On Monday I didn't get home until 930 pm

7 months ago @ Crasstalk - Big Turkey Weekend Ope... · 2 replies · +8 points

oddly the three gold triangles from the Legend of Zelda. It started me down the pc/video game rabbit-hole that i still love.

7 months ago @ Crasstalk - Big Turkey Weekend Ope... · 3 replies · +4 points

something fun and possibly stupid

7 months ago @ Crasstalk - Big Turkey Weekend Ope... · 9 replies · +10 points

for someone who is turning 50 next year, what tattoo should i get.

10 months ago @ Crasstalk - Holiday Weekend Open T... · 0 replies · +9 points

Skimming through a bunch of articles about Florida's tourist economy, According to many of them Ron Desatis policies of "anti woke" and dont say gay have cost the tourism industry close to 2 billion dollars in lost revenue. And he wants to be President?

10 months ago @ Crasstalk - Fresh Week Open Thread · 3 replies · +10 points

every time Trump opens his hole he throws more people under the bus. Maybe some of the defendants should take a plea deal.

11 months ago @ Crasstalk - Lazy Weekend Open Thread · 3 replies · +17 points

Please be aware that their are people using fake post office texts about packages they need to confirm are coming to you. The post office does not send texts unless you authorize it.

11 months ago @ Crasstalk - Over the Hump Open Thread · 1 reply · +9 points

So desantis and his slaves learned skills isn't going to well. I can,t imagine why?

1 year ago @ Crasstalk - Relax Open Thread · 1 reply · +13 points

is it me or are home owners associations being run by people who got bullied in high school. The petty shit they do speaks volumes.