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1 month ago @ Crasstalk - Fresh Week Open Thread · 0 replies · +1 points

Say it with me, every child should have access to health care.

8 months ago @ Crasstalk - Hey It's The Weekend O... · 2 replies · +8 points

Bodies on Netflix is quite good.
It takes a lot to grab my interest these days, so happy to have started this.
Police detectives try and solve the same murder with the same body in four different time periods: 1890, 1941, 2023 and 2053.
So there's some implied time travel, repressed sexuality and a fascist dystopian future mixed in. I'm on Episode 3.

9 months ago @ Crasstalk - Hey It's The Weekend O... · 0 replies · +7 points

It would be impolite not to.

8 months ago @ Crasstalk - Hey It's The Weekend O... · 0 replies · +12 points

This is pretty funny:

I was doing the safety demo on a TUL-DFW flight the other day and an older lady seated adjacent to me could only see myself and another dude flight attendant at the front of the main cabin.
"Look", she said to her friend, "all the stewardesses are men!"

I think maybe she hadn't been on an airplane in a long time. 🤣

8 months ago @ Crasstalk - Hey It's The Weekend O... · 2 replies · +9 points

He has a humiliation kink.

8 months ago @ Crasstalk - Hey It's The Weekend O... · 2 replies · +16 points

Nice of my company to announce record 3rd Q earnings and profit yesterday - right in the middle of our current contract negotiations.
They just gave the pilots pretty much whatever they asked for in *their* new contract, so we'll see.
Feeling optimistic.

8 months ago @ Crasstalk - A New Week Open Thread · 0 replies · +2 points

Mini: NOPE

8 months ago @ Crasstalk - Weekend Time Open Thread · 7 replies · +9 points

Check out this map of Saturday's solar eclipse overlaid with the April 2024 eclipse path
San Antonio is the only city that gets 100% full eclipse of both.
Here in Dallas we will get 100% in April, not that much on Saturday.

The resolution is crap, but you get the idea.

8 months ago @ Crasstalk - Weekend Time Open Thread · 0 replies · +15 points

Maxi is ready for date night

8 months ago @ Crasstalk - Keep It Steady Open Th... · 6 replies · +11 points

I commented the other day about my new T-Mobile 5G Internet having an underwhelming top speed of 70 Mbps.
I ran Ookla this morning and again just now and... I don't know what kind of Black Magick T-Mobile has done to get me over 400 Mbps, but I'm pretty happy.

Also, I finally replaced my tv's antiquated soundbox with a cool new (not v expensive) soundbar and it's like night and day.