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3 hours ago @ Crasstalk - Maybe This Will Be A N... · 0 replies · +2 points

Agreed. They are the absolute worst.

9 hours ago @ Crasstalk - Maybe This Will Be A N... · 0 replies · +10 points

Apparently this legend has passed sway. RiP to a real one.

10 hours ago @ Crasstalk - Maybe This Will Be A N... · 0 replies · +4 points

I live in the country I wouldn't evem notice my neighbors shooting if my dogs didn't growl everytime

1 day ago @ Crasstalk - Happy, Happy Hump Day ... · 9 replies · +10 points

So they're coming after Harris' laugh? That's all they got? Is it code for something?

1 day ago @ Crasstalk - Happy, Happy Hump Day ... · 0 replies · +4 points

Reagan got rid of matching air time so even if it was relevant he doesn't get shit.

3 days ago @ Crasstalk - New, Weird Week Open T... · 2 replies · +12 points

Did you know that meds only work if you take them? Its a whole thing. I went to school for it.

5 days ago @ Crasstalk - Quiet Weekend Please O... · 5 replies · +17 points

They need to go full force at JD Vance. Rip him to shreds. That's got to be the strategy. Trump is old Vance could be president and he's 10 times scarier than Trump. Make him an issue. Lots of people in the.idwest already hate him.

5 days ago @ Crasstalk - Quiet Weekend Please O... · 0 replies · +11 points

I hope this works. But I'm not optimistic.

1 week ago @ Crasstalk - Quiet Weekend Please O... · 5 replies · +16 points

I just don't see any of this working the way they think it will. It makes the dems look shitty and disorganized (which they are). And I think the whole thing decreases their chance of winning. My tinfoil take is this is a gop planted idea the dems have fallen for.

At any rate the time to replace Joe was over a year ago. The dems just suck. I have no love for Biden, and I wish they had replaced him last year with more viable candidate.

1 week ago @ Crasstalk - Still Chugging Open Th... · 1 reply · +3 points

Aww. Love him.