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10 years ago @ Crasstalk - Tuesday Open Thread · 0 replies · +2 points

So many judging gifs, I love it.

10 years ago @ Crasstalk - Monday Open Thread and... · 1 reply · +8 points


10 years ago @ Crasstalk - Monday Open Thread and... · 2 replies · +2 points

My roommate just sent me the NBCLA link. She's working from home today so she's watching all the helicopters wandering over the area.

10 years ago @ Crasstalk - Monday Open Thread and... · 1 reply · +5 points

Not particularly. Microsoft just completed their conference--it was solid, but nothing absolutely mind-blowing. I will say I don't have an XBox One since I'm generally not a shooty person, so I might be slightly biased. Some really, really superficial thoughts:

-Sunset Overdrive from Insomniac looks bonkers.
-Assassin's Creed Unity with 4-player coop (next-gen exclusive). I should actually play those games soon....
-New Tomb Raider game (not XBox exclusive, they just announced during that conference)
-New indie game from the creators of Limbo--essentially Limbo, with better graphics. Will play on someone else's console.
-Halo Master Chief Collection! The 4 major games on one disc and one UI. Again, not a shooter person, but if you're a Halo fan that's pretty cool
-Ori and the Blind Forest looks reallly pretty

Everything else, meh.

10 years ago @ Crasstalk - Monday Open Thread and... · 3 replies · +5 points

Anyone watching the E3 coverage?

10 years ago @ Crasstalk - Tuesday Open Thread · 0 replies · +5 points

I love her! You can also see all of her past recaps on her tumblr at

10 years ago @ Crasstalk - Friday Open Thread · 0 replies · +1 points

Yeah, best as I can tell, Uematsu left the staff of Square right around when they acquired Enix, but they've been using him sparingly as a freelancer. So he did the entire Final Fantasy series by himself up to and including FFIX (which he admitted is his favorite but it's so long and involved that it took a lot out of him), then collaborated with two other people for FFX, created the music for FFXI (the first MMO) and then came back for the first iteration of FFXIV. He did NOT do FFX-2, FFXII, any of the FFXIII soundtracks, any of the spinoffs like Tactics or Crystal Chronicles, and the aforementioned FFXIV: A Realm Reborn.

I once did the math: a full 1/3 of my music library (approx. 18GB) is just video game music. I haven't checked how much that would be if I also started including my animation, anime, and film/TV soundtracks as well, hahaha.

10 years ago @ Crasstalk - Friday Open Thread · 0 replies · +2 points

Chrono Cross, yes! I have the other world map music (Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World) as my ringtone--I love the violin in that.

10 years ago @ Crasstalk - Friday Open Thread · 2 replies · +3 points

Funnily enough, this is the first FF soundtrack I've enjoyed NOT mostly done by Uematsu. He did the music for the original FFXIV, which by all accounts was a pretty terrible MMO, but the music's obviously good--his stuff is on FFXIV: Before Meteor. A Realm Reborn is after they relaunched the game entirely (which is a fantastic game BTW). This new music was primarily composed by an in-house Squenix composer, Masayoshi Soken, with I think contributing elements by Uematsu and other freelancers.

So yeah, Wailers and Waterwheels is the daytime theme for one of the starter areas, the forest one Gridania. Meanwhile, every time I now listen to the Navigator's Veil (the daytime theme for another starter area, the docks of Limsa Lominsa) I really want to steal a ship and become a pirate.

Eyes on Me is one of the best ballads ever made.

10 years ago @ Crasstalk - Friday Open Thread · 0 replies · +5 points

I'm with you on the Mass Effect, less so on the Halo. As much as I love it, it doesn't rank all that high up for me. I will say however, that I'm pretty sure it's because of Halo and its main theme that the class of 30 inner-city 8 year olds I once taught really, really liked Gregorian chants.