


13,742 comments posted · 100 followers · following 31

2 years ago @ Crasstalk - You Have to Go Back to... · 1 reply · +4 points

Was it me at Hamilton? Because the sound was terrible, Jefferson was not very good, and everyone just sleepwalked through the second act.

3 years ago @ Crasstalk - Patriot Open Thread · 2 replies · +19 points

Of course you want to go. It's questionable transportation to a remote area combined with eating. The venn diagram of you and that is a single circle.

3 years ago @ Crasstalk - Patriot Open Thread · 1 reply · +14 points

You know, sometimes I think, "I wonder what's going on over at Crasstalk?" And then I type "c-r-a-s-s" into the search bar and let it autocomplete because I never clear my cache, and I click on the top thread looking for the more personal stuff Maxi doesn't put on twitter or DM me about, and then I see shit like this.

And then I remember why I don’t come here very often. You literally said that people burning churches in protest to the cover up of hundreds of child deaths is like the KKK. I don't know if you really believe this horseshit, or if you just say this shit to see how people react. Either way, it's the beliefs or actions of a ten year-old.

3 years ago @ Crasstalk - Get Back to Work Open ... · 6 replies · +13 points

Guess who likes to smash their keyboard with their fists and just edited the Rush Limbaugh program so it will end on Sunday 6/20?

This ,ml.jhnb mjgl,k.j,kl.;.,/lmj,knyhmggbtnhm

3 years ago @ Crasstalk - Center Yourself Open T... · 4 replies · +3 points

Dod a chock?

3 years ago @ Crasstalk - New Week Open Thread · 0 replies · +15 points

What are you charged with?

3 years ago @ Crasstalk - Center of the Week Ope... · 1 reply · +2 points

I, too, am delighted by mowing down poultry.

3 years ago @ Crasstalk - Center of the Week Ope... · 1 reply · +3 points

She went to my school!

3 years ago @ Crasstalk - Get Started Open Thread · 0 replies · +12 points

Eugene Levy looks like your mom?

3 years ago @ Crasstalk - Trucking Down the Road... · 0 replies · +6 points

The Golden Globes exist to remind you that The Golden Globes exist.