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4 years ago @ Crasstalk - Watch Out Wednesday Op... · 0 replies · +1 points

No worries! I hope he feels better. Summer colds are the worst.

4 years ago @ Crasstalk - Watch Out Wednesday Op... · 1 reply · +1 points

Oh please do---and honestly if he wants to see the Google Doc, I can send it via FB Messenger.

4 years ago @ Crasstalk - Watch Out Wednesday Op... · 0 replies · +3 points

ALSO did you read that article about Molly Ringwald rewatching The Breakfast Club?

4 years ago @ Crasstalk - Watch Out Wednesday Op... · 1 reply · +4 points

I think we can---and it's at some point, a personal decision for people and we shouldn't be shocked/surprised if others disagree with how we prioritize stuff--or that some things still do cause harm to folks even if we may personally love it.

Some of my problematic favs are romance novels, or any kind of period pieces... and there's a particular actress (a non black racial minority) I still like who just keeps putting her foot in it on racial issues that deal with blackness.

4 years ago @ Crasstalk - Watch Out Wednesday Op... · 0 replies · +4 points

I grew up near the Angeles National Forest and there always used to be a bear once every couple months that wandered down and was like, trying to get into a dumpster or was swimming in a nearby pool.

4 years ago @ Crasstalk - Watch Out Wednesday Op... · 4 replies · +14 points

It's the nature of progress---society evolves and we realize the shit we thought was okay, really wasn't. From racial/gender equality to telling people it's not okay to be transphobic or homophobic.

I rewatched Gilmore Girls recently because of the new season that came out last year and was a little blown away by the gay jokes and fat jokes that 2019 me was like, "holy shit, I cannot believe I thought this was cool at age 13."

Although we obviously also take huge steps backwards as well---see, literally everything happening right now.

4 years ago @ Crasstalk - Watch Out Wednesday Op... · 0 replies · +5 points

Oh I just linked this tweet in the other thread but I liked this thought.

4 years ago @ Crasstalk - Watch Out Wednesday Op... · 7 replies · +10 points

Personally I think it's fine to engage it criticism of art you don't agree with---I mean, that's the nature of public life?

I liked this tweet: https://twitter.com/AdamSerwer/status/11670379770...

4 years ago @ Crasstalk - Watch Out Wednesday Op... · 0 replies · +2 points

Oh funny, I was thinking all of the women were going to be good witches, just... not particularly powerful ones. Just kind of like, nature ladies who do stuff with herbs. I ended up making one of them an old lady, one a woman with two kids and one a young woman. (Mother, maiden and crone.)

4 years ago @ Crasstalk - Watch Out Wednesday Op... · 0 replies · +2 points

Is this the one someone was using on Twitter to generate erotica?