Eve Holt!

Eve Holt!


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4 years ago @ Crasstalk - Work It Open Thread · 1 reply · +2 points

It's nice to see you too. And all is well - and has been well - just frazzling. And the kitchen is looking spiffy. LastCig has been building me shelves, on shelves, so I'm feeling pretty spoiled. And I'm glad the wine rack is treating you well! :)

4 years ago @ Crasstalk - Work It Open Thread · 0 replies · +1 points

Nice to see you, Friendo. :)

4 years ago @ Crasstalk - Work It Open Thread · 0 replies · +1 points

Internet hugs to you too, My Darlin'. ")

4 years ago @ Crasstalk - Work It Open Thread · 0 replies · +1 points

I will keep coming around! I've just been on deadlines. (No complaints! :) ) It's nice to see you! :)

4 years ago @ Crasstalk - Work It Open Thread · 9 replies · +23 points

I haven't been here forever, and then, Ofkie.

All the easy take out and no work for dinner, Darlin'.

5 years ago @ Crasstalk - Remembering Leo · 0 replies · +2 points

Big hugs. Leo was amazing.

7 years ago @ Crasstalk - Wild Weekend Open Thread · 0 replies · +3 points

There's always another day to make mole, but when you need roast chicken - you NEED roast chicken! :) And I'm glad you survived your outing. Also, yes to cocktails. I've got a big ole box of wine, so I'm set.

7 years ago @ Crasstalk - Wild Weekend Open Thread · 2 replies · +5 points

Ugh. Stupid blizzard! I'm always beyond paranoid that we're going to lose power. It turns me into a jumpy little kid. And LastCig is at band practice, because - blizzard.


7 years ago @ Crasstalk - Recipe Sunday: Blueber... · 0 replies · +1 points

Awesome! I'm glad it was good. I've got to give it a shot. February is definitely chili weather. :)

7 years ago @ Crasstalk - Recipe Sunday: Blueber... · 2 replies · +2 points

It sounds like a solid and delicius recipe, minus the insane amount of vinegar. When I make chili, I cheat and use a little pickled jalapeno juice. It adds a little heat and acidity.

I totally dig the amount of fennel seed in that. I don't think I've ever put fennel in chili before, and it sounds good.

But I'd add the vinegar a tablespoon at a time and taste it. :)