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1 month ago @ Crasstalk - Go For It Open Thread · 0 replies · +1 points


1 month ago @ Crasstalk - Go For It Open Thread · 0 replies · +5 points

Start at Season One and watch it grow into its shoes. I love Taskmaster so, so much.

1 month ago @ Crasstalk - Go For It Open Thread · 5 replies · +6 points

I love that podcast (and I'm not generally a fan of them; they put me to sleep). I love all three comedians. Fortune is from NC, went to college with an old boss of mine and I've seen her live quite a few times. Tig is, well, Tig. And I fairly recently discovered Mae. I've watched everything they've done that I can find, (which led me to Taskmaster, which I'm OBSESSED with) and I can't wait until their new project comes out.

8 months ago @ Crasstalk - Halloweeny Open Thread · 0 replies · +7 points

That is WILD. I know this is the most Gen X thing ever, but half the fun was going straight from school, where you'd worn your costume, straight to trick or treating. If you planned it right, you could cover several neighborhoods before people started turning off their lights.

Now, its a modest 'dusk to 8 pm, or about 90 minutes of trick or treating.

8 months ago @ Crasstalk - Halloweeny Open Thread · 3 replies · +6 points

Here it's "What day is Trick or Treating?" Every year. And when they're told "October 31" every year, they're upset if its not Friday or Saturday. "We should move Hallowe'en to the last Saturday of October!"

8 months ago @ Crasstalk - Fresh Week Open Thread · 0 replies · +5 points

I've been saying that I need to find raves that start at 1400, have a hard stop at 2000 so I can get home, take my night-night pills, and make my 2230 bedtime.

8 months ago @ Crasstalk - Fresh Week Open Thread · 0 replies · +5 points

The fuck? Turn them in to the US Dept of Labor. And demand a settlement via a lawyer.

9 months ago @ Crasstalk - Keep Going Open Thread · 1 reply · +5 points

Watch 'Siren: Survive the Island' on Netflix. Do it.

10 months ago @ Crasstalk - Mid-Week Open Thread · 0 replies · +3 points

Oh no. I'm so sorry.

10 months ago @ Crasstalk - Mid-Week Open Thread · 0 replies · +5 points

Tonight wasn't really the night either, but I made it work because the two nights prior to ice cream for dinner were sandwich, cottage cheese, and sliced tomato nights.