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9 years ago @ The Toast - How to Explore a Grave... · 0 replies · +10 points

Does anyone here do Find A Grave? It's one of my mom's hobbies. She loves wandering around tiny cemeteries, or searching through tall fields to find lone grave sites to upload onto the site. She has minor beef with another hobbyist who takes terrible pictures - stones all covered in leaves or bad light - that can't be taken down, so Mom always tries to get to new sites first. You never know, some of your ancestors may be on there!

Spooky local folklore is my favorite. We have the Black Angel, a massive blackened bronze angel, hunched over with arms and wings outspread. There are lots of stories about her, but the first I heard was that if you touch her hand at midnight, you'll slowly turn to black bronze.

9 years ago @ The Toast - Your Morning Bereaveme... · 0 replies · +3 points

It's weird that I am now a person this has happened to. My dad committed suicide two days ago. I'm staying with family at my grandma's where he spent a lot of his youth and there are so many ghosts. It doesn't make sense that this is a world without him. And time will pass and he won't be here.

10 years ago @ The Toast - Let Us Consider the Mo... · 0 replies · +2 points

The last time I saw the Mountain Goats was at a church in my hometown. I was by myself because my [ex][boyfriend][best friend][???????] had relapsed two nights before, the fifth time in the seven years we'd been together, and broke his leg. I thought I'd have to chase John down to get an autograph for [????] but after the show I turned the corner and there he was, Sharpie in hand. Meeting him was like staring into the sun and I might have cried a little bit on the walk home.

The Mountain Goats are very important and JD radiates goodness and that's all I have to say about that.

10 years ago @ The Toast - "His Career Will Be Ab... · 0 replies · +14 points

It feels like there's been a small explosion in my heart and the wind is blowing through the hole. Thank you thank you thank you for writing this.

10 years ago @ The Toast - Pre-Code Movies Worth ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you thank you this could not have come at a better time than a day that's shaping up to be for lying morosely in bed

10 years ago @ The Toast - Toast Mission: Accompl... · 0 replies · +12 points

*delighted gasp at the Jezebel hyperlink under "work for a man."*

10 years ago @ The Toast - Let's Talk About The M... · 0 replies · +9 points


10 years ago @ The Toast - Let's Talk About The M... · 1 reply · +9 points

I would like to read both of your dissertations.

10 years ago @ The Toast - Let's Talk About The M... · 3 replies · +25 points

Has there been a pre-code movie post on The Toast? Because there should be.

10 years ago @ The Toast - Erotica Written By An ... · 0 replies · +4 points

Took me a second.