


553 comments posted · 28 followers · following 50

12 years ago @ No 2 Religion - Just S... - Things That Make You G... · 1 reply · +3 points

Martin you've taken a leaf out of my book and dissapeared from blogging for a while?

12 years ago @ No 2 Religion - Just S... - Things That Make You G... · 1 reply · +2 points

Ah I am so afraid of the Cafe Latte!

12 years ago @ Life, The Universe and... - I could never marry so... · 0 replies · +3 points

Shawn!!!! I love that you stop by and remind me of all of my reaponsibilities! Haha life is well! How is yours?

Sent from 42

13 years ago @ Life, The Universe and... - I could never marry so... · 1 reply · +3 points

That is just the common sense that is needed Martin, you'd be amazed how many people see the glossy picture and but for disappointment. :)

Sent from 42

13 years ago @ No 2 Religion - Just S... - I Think I Slept Throug... · 1 reply · +2 points

I'm not back they have Internet in hell. How else do u think they watch all the porn ;).

Sent from 42

13 years ago @ No 2 Religion - Just S... - I Think I Slept Throug... · 3 replies · +3 points

I thought I would send this postcard seeing as I am otherwise incapacitated. 60 cents

I tried waking you martin but I was too far gone already. Apparently I was the only one taken. Shit!

P.s. Hell is just as I imagined and that is to say amazing hope you will all join me soon.

13 years ago @ No 2 Religion - Just S... - I Think I Slept Throug... · 0 replies · +3 points

Whats the point of fighting if that is the case...I mean if after the big fight you all die anyway...pointless but typical.

13 years ago @ Life, The Universe and... - Proof religion causes ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Mate I know I am sorry eh I'm just flat out at the moment. And it's making me age prematurely - going to the docs tomorrow to find out if I have arthritis, shit I'm only 20...fucking karma from my god hating hehehehe

13 years ago @ Life, The Universe and... - Proof religion causes ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Maybe i am batting for the wrong side lol

13 years ago @ Life, The Universe and... - Proof religion causes ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Oh man exams and a small tour with the band as well as getting out of the army and struggling to survive have me occupied for the next 3 weeks lol.

Sent from 42