Steve Schlicht

Steve Schlicht


207 comments posted · 21 followers · following 2

14 years ago @ Mississippi Atheists - Florida Atheists Chall... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm not convinced that donating sports equipment to area churches can be argued as the state establishing a religion, if that is the Constitutional case that is being made.

Perhaps it could be better seen as an non-productive use of tax payers money which, even if we accept the premise that inmates shouldn't have the equipment (which I don't), should still be used for the community in general (who paid for the equipment) and not provided free of charge for private use by non-profit groups who would, presumably, limit access to the equipment by way of sectarian imposition.

That said, if city donations are otherwise made to private non-profits that are non-religious, then the city cannot discriminate against religious non-profits, in my view, as long as the donation isn't used to support the establishment of the religion.

My suggestion:

I would have a weekly basketball game at whatever church by the atheists of Florida and see if they are denied playing time on church grounds...then see how that plays out.


14 years ago @ Mississippi Atheists - Coverage of the FFRF S... · 0 replies · +1 points


14 years ago @ Mississippi Atheists - Coverage of the FFRF S... · 0 replies · +2 points

Given that focus, vjack, it should also be noted that the Nativity is a Bethlehem based invasion.

14 years ago @ Mississippi Atheists - FFRF Sign Coming to Mi... · 1 reply · +3 points

My personal thanks to vjack, Patrick, Dianne, Amanda and all of the Mississippi atheists, agnostics, secular humanists and other non-religious citizens for helping make this happen.

I am very proud of the values enshrined in our US Constitution and hope that many folks of all world views and traditions see just how important these proactive efforts are to our human liberty.

Steve Schlicht
Biloxi MS

14 years ago @ Mississippi Atheists - Time to Revaluate This... · 0 replies · +2 points

I am fully interested in site upkeep, by the way.

Send me an email on particulars and I'll be open to the task.

14 years ago @ Mississippi Atheists - Time to Revaluate This... · 0 replies · +2 points

Well, I know I've recently appreciated (via personal email) your time, effort and obvious financial expenditure in providing this outlet for Mississippi Atheists, vjack.

I have often noted that the more heated "progressive"/"liberal" political topics have always garnered more comments and attention from the interested atheists here than anything else.

The humanitarian events have generated a lot less insight, suggestions, participation and input.

That said, Atheist Revolution seems more popular/populated, so if you want to s-can this one out of a need to refine the effort of promoting non-belief and free thought and save a dollar, I certainly don't have a problem with that.

If it helps, the Great Southern Humanist Society has an astounding 45-50 "members" who've signed up, received personal messages, email updates, calendar of new events, RSVP alerts, etc....yet only a handful actually participate in message board discussions, log in or even expend the energy to show up at events that our small family of five frequently initiate and actively participate in.

You make the call, vjack and we'll keep doing what we do here in the south, my friend.

Steve Schlicht and Family
Biloxi MS

14 years ago @ Mississippi Atheists - Meet Pastor Steve Gaines · 0 replies · +2 points

"If I were not an atheist, I would believe in a God who would choose to save people on the basis of the totality of their lives and not the pattern of their words. I think he would prefer an honest and righteous atheist to a TV preacher whose every word is God, God, God, and whose every deed is foul, foul, foul." ~ Isaac Asimov

14 years ago @ Mississippi Atheists - Gov. Barbour Failed Mi... · 0 replies · +2 points


14 years ago @ Mississippi Atheists - Christian Bigots Vanda... · 0 replies · +2 points

So "UNDER" is bigger than "god"?

There's no need to fear...


14 years ago @ Mississippi Atheists - BP Oil Spill; Biloxi MS · 1 reply · +2 points

Thanks vjack, thanks Snowbrush.

The booms are up in Biloxi and our top political leadership are now all running around in wide eyed righteous indignation that little to nothing was prepared in advance for this event.

However you look at it, none can avoid the obvious fact that they **are** the very people who were elected to ensure the preparations were ready in advance.

It is both ironic and telling that the "Day of Prayer" proclaimed by Governor Haley Barbour upon the people of Mississippi is the very day the oil arrives on our shores.

Documenting these events is always very important and so is sharing these experiences with as many others as possible.

Y'all take care and we'll post more as soon as we find a bit more time.

Steve Schlicht
Biloxi MS