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2 days ago @ Atheist Revolution - Living in Mississippi ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yes, I do wish that Portland was more typical than it is!

The self-perpetuating nature of poverty certainly is a factor here. I sometimes wonder whether that's part of why religion has such a hold on the area. The strong suspicion of people who haven't lived here their whole lives doesn't help either. At least, I know several people who have cited that as one of their reasons for leaving.

4 days ago @ Atheist Revolution - We Have Created the Co... · 0 replies · +1 points

I still find it puzzling how this isn't disqualifying. If they won't respect the democratic process, why should they be allowed to benefit from it?

4 days ago @ Atheist Revolution - We Have Created the Co... · 0 replies · +1 points

I can relate to that!

1 week ago @ Atheist Revolution - We Have Created the Co... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yes, there's no question that we've had prior episodes of worse political violence. I was thinking more about what has happened during my lifetime, but that period has been much better than many before it. No doubt about that.

Within my lifetime, the January 6 insurrection was something I never expected to see. I hope it never gets normalized, and I am encouraged that we haven't had anything similar since then.

1 week ago @ Atheist Revolution - We Have Created the Co... · 0 replies · +1 points

Yes, I'm in a deep red area too and hear similar things. I'm sure that colors our perception, but that isn't much consolation. Even if what we hear isn't representative of the country as a whole, it is real.

2 weeks ago @ Atheist Revolution - We Must Defeat Trump\'... · 0 replies · +1 points

I don't envy those DNC folks at this moment in history. They seem to have boxed themselves into a situation with few easy answers.

2 weeks ago @ Atheist Revolution - We Must Defeat Trump\'... · 4 replies · +1 points

Good point about what has happened since Dobbs! I hope both issues will help to increase voter turnout among Dems.

It looks like the story will continue to be Biden's fitness for office, at least for the next few days. Once that settles down, maybe these issues will return to the center.

2 weeks ago @ Atheist Revolution - We Must Defeat Trump\'... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you! I needed to be talked down. Of course, you are right about the pardon having limited utility here because these offenses would be prosecuted at the state level. And yes, most of his supporters are not violent (aside from their over-the-top rhetoric).

For Democrats, it does seem like abortion rights will be huge. For Republicans, it sounds like it will be more about border security and guns. I'm not sure what issues will matter most to Independents. I agree that many will find Project 2025 unappealing if they hear about it. I think it may help to increase the odds that more will hear about it.

2 weeks ago @ Atheist Revolution - Happy Atheist Pride Day! · 0 replies · +1 points

That's a discouraging thought, but I don't disagree. We used to be able to rely on the courts to stop much of this, but that is no longer the case.

2 weeks ago @ Atheist Revolution - Happy Atheist Pride Day! · 0 replies · +1 points

Yes, the conservative majority on the Court seems to be interested in remaking the U.S. into the "Christian nation" we've heard so much about. I'd assume they are eagerly awaiting this to work its way through the lower courts.