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13 years ago @ TML Mobsters - TML Thursday, 1/12 · 0 replies · +1 points

Plus, it's only $6m for 2012. The other $2.5m is a buyout for 2013. Still $8.5m total, but it's split up a bit, probably to allow them to fit in an outfield bat or Theriot.

13 years ago @ TML Mobsters - TML Wednesday, 1/11 · 0 replies · +1 points

The Madson move is great on many fronts: they got a better pitcher for less of a commitment and at the very worst, the same yearly salary as Cordero would have wanted and since Cordero will sign elsewhere, they get a supplemental draft pick somewhere between their first round pick and the second round pick of the team that signs Cordero. Very good move by Walt even if it does end up causing them to not be able to get a left fielder, which I'm not entirely convinced it does.

And I'm really surprised how the bullpen now triggers hope (if not downright confidence) in me. I would have thought it was a tall order to remove Chapman from the bullpen and still make it look better (on paper) than last year. Fellow mobster, now fellow Blog Red Machine blogger (that was the announcement I referenced a month or so ago), Bomber2Musketeer wrote up a post about the bullpen. Looks pretty good to me.

13 years ago @ TML Mobsters - TML Wednesday, 1/11 · 0 replies · +1 points

The Madson move is great on many fronts: they got a better pitcher for less of a commitment and at the very worst, the same yearly salary as Cordero would have wanted and since Cordero will sign elsewhere, they get a supplemental draft pick somewhere between their first round pick and the second round pick of the team that signs Cordero. Very good move by Walt even if it does end up causing them to not be able to get a left fielder, which I'm not entirely convinced it does.

And I'm really surprised how the bullpen now triggers hope (if not downright confidence) in me. I would have thought it was a tall order to remove Chapman from the bullpen and still make it look better (on paper) than last year. Fellow mobster, now fellow blogredmachine blogger (that was the announcement I referenced a month or so ago), Bomber2Musketeer wrote up a post about the bullpen. Looks pretty good to me.

13 years ago @ TML Mobsters - TML Tuesday, 1/10 · 0 replies · +1 points

By the way, I wear and look good (well as good as a guy with this face can) in a fedora. The reason most people today don't look good in them is because they don't know how to wear them. Look at all the men listed as not wearing a fedora well and you'll see one thing in common: where's the tilt? The ability to pull the look off is all in the tilt. Guys today wear the fedora as an accessory like a woman wears a bracelet. If you tilt it, don't pull it too far down your brow, then it works. If you wear it like Big Ben, you look like a douche. If it's too far down your brow, you look like you're trying to play dress up as a pimp. People used to wear the hat every day, so that's why it looked good back then, because they knew how it should sit. Kids these days...

13 years ago @ TML Mobsters - TML Tuesday, 1/10 · 0 replies · +1 points

There's not one single moment I remember about Larkin but his whole career was so much a part of my baseball life. I was 7 in 1986, just started falling in love with baseball, no idea where I could play, what each position did, how to field or hit or even throw. But Larkin was there, a fresh kid, just starting out. By the time I became a Jordan fanatic and lost interest in baseball in the mid-'90's, Larkin was there, established, steady. By the time I found my way back to baseball in the late '90's, Larkin was there to welcome me home. A lot of you know that my biological father left when I was young (ironically, at the aforementioned age of 7) and you take things that fill that void from wherever you can. Larkin never spoke to me, smiled at me, waved to me or gave me a high five, but he was there for so much of my life, through the good times and bad. That's what I remember most, just his presence. It may not seem like much, but it was a lot.

13 years ago @ TML Mobsters - TML Monday, 1/9 · 0 replies · +1 points

February 19th. The 24th for everyone else. First spring training game is March 2nd or 3rd. Still an excruciatingly long wait!

13 years ago @ TML Mobsters - TML Monday, 1/9 · 1 reply · +2 points

I really don't mean to disparage Bengals fans in any way, but that playoff game was the first bit of Bengals' football I've watched all year and I must say, I don't see what all the hype was about. They looked like every other inept Mike Brown run team I saw for a couple decades. To be honest, I didn't watch that closely and it was only every time I looked up that they were screwing something up, so there could have been a difference that I didn't see. Maybe they'll have a winning record next year as well and actually become relevant to me again and then I'll see the difference. Until then, my face still has a "meh" look on it.

As for the Steelers-Broncos game, that was pretty hilarious. I'm still one of those who are apathetic to Tebow as a football player or a person, but I'm not impartial to the brunt of jokes he takes for being a devout Christian. So while I won't make him out to be the savior that some of his detractors paint his supporters as doing, I do enjoy seeing the apoplexy he engenders in so many "experts." If only one of them realizes they know exactly zilch, then he will have been a successful icon. As a football player? Like I said, I'm still apathetic, though him beating the Steelers is a way to earn some points.

13 years ago @ TML Mobsters - TML Thursday, 12/5 · 0 replies · +1 points

And soon after I asked the question, John Fay tweets that the Reds are not interested.

13 years ago @ TML Mobsters - TML Thursday, 12/5 · 2 replies · +1 points

Why do I have a feeling the Reds will look into Manny Ramirez for LF? Potential wise, he's the best option to fill the right handed, power hitting left fielder they need, you know, after the 50 game suspension gets served. But it would be really weird to see Manny being Manny down at GABP.

13 years ago @ TML Mobsters - TML Thursday, 12/5 · 1 reply · +1 points

I think a lot of it has to do with the market that's available. There is no one for LF that even remotely fits what the Reds need and I'm guessing that Jocketty doesn't want to leave the cupboard completely bare as far as the farm system is concerned, so trading for a big bat is probably out of the question. Probably.

But there are still closers on the market and they are generating little to no interest at the moment. I'm sure Jocketty recognizes the bigger deficiency on his team is the LF spot, but other than signing someone for depth, there is a good likelihood that nothing will be done for that position. If there was a LF bat available that actually filled the role they wanted (right handed, power bat), I'm sure that LF would be the primary concern, but as of now, Jocketty is deciding between solving the closer "problem," as he sees it, and replenishing outfield depth. I can see how between those two choices, closer wins out.