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12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - Open Thread - August 1... · 0 replies · +1 points

you are sadly misinformed.

No behind the scenes 'backbiting' here. Just answered a plea from a fine contributor under fire. So you're dead wrong on that. When BH broke apart an effort to stay in touch was instituted. NOT BY US.

Reluctantly we agreed on sharing information; we share 'common interests and experiences' with Deus.
Your witticisms, while pleasant enough, were not the 'tie that binds'. And when you were treated poorly by the new cadre at BH we were the first to defend.

So, get your facts straight before you accuse, and then you can make sweeping judgements about that which you do not KNOW but simply suspect. BTW, 'the 'inordinate amount of time' may have been as much as 15 minutes one day. Listen, we do not want to leave on bad terms with you; many a good chat was had and let's try to leave it at that.

No more interest, here...

12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - Open Thread - August 1... · 1 reply · -1 points

well, then, glad you have tolerated it.

Short enough for you?

12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - Open Thread - August 1... · 12 replies · -5 points

you deserve it, brother.

Perhaps the others here will behave themselves a little better without our presence to disturb them. It works for the crew here, too- this was becoming a diversion and hindering other, more important issues. Your solid voice and Command Presence would be greatly missed by many here...

12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - Open Thread - August 1... · 0 replies · -3 points


They saw a chatty bitch site beset by internicine struggle and moved on. As such, the site began it's descent into pure irrelevancy. Perhaps by removing the divisive influence that we here have become will allow this concern to fully realize it's place in the arena, and continue spreading the message of common sense conservatism.

To that end, we wish much success- heartfelt- and a Farewell...

12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - Open Thread - August 1... · 35 replies · -3 points

a last statement.
What has transpired the last couple of days is truly regrettable, and to whatever aspect we here have contributed to the ongoing animus the apology is offered and heartfelt. We are all in the same boat but on differing journeys.

Speaking for the 'clan', there is NO effort to silence, or drive people out, of this site. Whomever wants to contribute, or speak their piece- no matter how mis-informed or erroneous their information may be- should be treated with respect, and replied to with kindness. Not vitriol and biting sarcasm.

When Andrew Breitbart died his (mysterious- oops- there's that 'conspiracy' stuff again) legacy was absconded with by pencilneck geeks like Mike Flynn. 'BH' is now just another mainstream whistleblower; it has been compromised. Make of that what you will. But a hard core cadre wnated a voice of their own, and Navy created this. It had a little momentum, too at first. Some heavy hitters were checking this site out.

12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - Food Prices To Skyrock... · 0 replies · +1 points

the 'bc' channel solicited us.

Nothing conspiratorial here, amigo- and the only office of interest is the one downstairs with all the gear in it!

12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - Food Prices To Skyrock... · 2 replies · +2 points

it isn't so much 'blunt' as honest.

This affectation, like the confrontational (and ridiculous) icon is highly revealing. But enough about all this; the arguments(and ad hominen attacks) have been laid out and we'll 'let the people decide'...

12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - Food Prices To Skyrock... · 4 replies · +2 points

no, you wouldn't.

And it is a crying shame that it has come to this; 'eating our own' as they say. It is sad to leave the site under these circumstances- once upon a time our pursuits- all of us- were noble and making a difference.

But now it's come to this...

12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - Food Prices To Skyrock... · 6 replies · 0 points

oh, and also the whole 'Y'all' thing is really revealing.

Cutesy poo and sarcastic at the same time. Muster up all the anger and hatred you want, feel free to attack or bleat out whatever 'hidden suspicions' you have while you 'duly note' the observations pointed out about you.

If you were a male, you would be soundly thrashed, and the line would be long....

12 years ago @ Conservative Victory 2012 - Food Prices To Skyrock... · 0 replies · -1 points

let's make this simple.

You react to any and all stimuli with anger and vitriol. You are both ignorant and arrogant, not a particularly attractive package. Add that ridiculous icon of you pointing a pistol at everyone and the image is complete. Angry, frustrated and foolish.

As far as Mr Boehner is involved, yes, he is a decent man in a very tough job. There are 70 million people who voted for Obama who very well could switch. Walking a fine line when you are the minority leader strikes one as smart; something you do not display often.

Your replies are always emotional, your anger increases when it is pointed out, and other than frustrated female#2, the poser 'Galtfan' you have no constituency with any intellectual heft whatsoever. As far as what is done here as a living your opinions make absolutely zero
impact. Believe what you will, you live in a self imposed cocoon anyway.

Any and all points made in all of the debates were backed up by evidence and logic. Your emotional blindness did not allow you to see, just as you cannot fathom why your reply to Leaux was seen as an attack. You suffer from institutional blindness fed by an insufferable ego.

The major reason for the lack of interaction on our part is that life is FAR too short to spend time debating with the likes of you. You may be a patent fraud, but you still will vote the right way (one hopes) and therefore nothing is gained from this. Oh, and by the way- from someone who said they 'wouldn't respond' after a hysterical post, you sure didn't hesitate to bare your fangs...