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12 years ago @ - Chavez health setback ... · 0 replies · +1 points


12 years ago @ - Preview: Exclusive Bre... · 0 replies · +1 points

Are YOU are a RÄCÏST?

It doesn't matter if Obama gives $Billions of taxpayer dollars to Libya, Pakistan, the Palestinians, the Müslïm Brotherhood, and anyone else who hates America... if you are not a Müslïm... Obama is bläck and YOU are a RÄCÏST!

It doesn't matter if Obama promotes sämë-sëx-märrïägë, abortion, gun-control, and ignores our Constitution any time he feels like it... if you are morally opposed... Obama is bläck and YOU are a RÄCÏST!

It doesn't matter if Obama increases American dependence on OPEC, weakens our American military, regulates against American energy, and destroys millions of American jobs... if you don't want to receive food stamps... Obama is bläck and YOU are a RÄCÏST!

ANSWER: If you are not Barack Obama, YOU are a RÄCÏST!

12 years ago @ - Preview: Exclusive Bre... · 0 replies · +1 points

Are YOU are a RÄCÏST?

It doesn't matter if Obama is an illegal from Kenya who shows a fake birth certificate, hides his school records, and has a phony Social Security number... if you doubt his citizenship... Obama is bläck and YOU are a RÄCÏST!

It doesn't matter if Obama gives $Billions of taxpayer dollars to Libya, Pakistan, the Palestinians, the Müslïm Brotherhood, and anyone else who hates America... if you are not a Müslïm... Obama is bläck and YOU are a RÄCÏST!

It doesn't matter if Obama promotes sämë-sëx-märrïägë, abortion, gun-control, and ignores our Constitution any time he feels like it... if you are morally opposed... Obama is bläck and YOU are a RÄCÏST!

It doesn't matter if Obama increases American dependence on OPEC, weakens our American military, regulates against American energy, and destroys millions of American jobs... if you don't want to receive food stamps... Obama is bläck and YOU are a RÄCÏST!

ANSWER: If you are not Barack Obama, YOU are a RÄCÏST!

12 years ago @ - Preview: Exclusive Bre... · 0 replies · +1 points

Are YOU are a RÄCÏST?

It doesn't matter if Obama is a liberal progressive Democrat who promotes Märxïst Socialism... if you are a Constitutional conservative... Obama is bläck and YOU are a RÄCÏST!

It doesn't matter if Obama is a pathetic, selfish, self-important, fruity, little narcissist... if you don't LOVE him... Obama is bläck and YOU are a RÄCÏST!

It doesn't matter if Obama squanders $Trillions of taxpayer money on stoopid business ventures and crony supporters... if you believe in fiscal responsibility... Obama is bläck and YOU are a RÄCÏST!

ANSWER: If you are not Barack Obama, YOU are a RÄCÏST!

12 years ago @ Big Peace - Iran's 'Super Bowl' Ta... · 1 reply · +7 points

Iran shuts down Hormuz? The US Navy shuts down Iran!

"Innocent children and women?" How about Berlin, Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki in WWII?

LETS QUIT PLAYING PAT-A-CAKE WITH OUR ENEMIES AND KÏLL THEM TILL THEY QUIT! Then we can make amends. Germany and Japan are two of the most successful countries in the world today because when they attacked, THE USA AND ALLIES BOMBED THEM TO DUST, MERCILESSLY CLEANED OUT THE VERMIN, and then aided their recovery. Of course that was WWII, an age when Americans were tough and proud of being ONE NATION UNDER GOD, not a bunch of progressive, politically correct, whiney babies!

IF AND WHEN the Müslïms STOP ATTACKING AMERICA, and everyone else, then maybe we can consider respecting Ïsläm.

DemocRATS - The Party of Looters, Vandals and Liars!

Only 2 defining forces have ever offered to dïë for you.... Jesus Christ and the American Söldïër. One dïëd for your soul, the other for your freedom.

13 years ago @ - Pelosi Distances Dems ... · 0 replies · 0 points

A baldface lie...

Obama Supports Occupy Wall Street!
DemocRATS Support Occupy Wall Street!
Müslïm Brotherhood is behind Occupy Orlando!
The Communist Party USA Supports Occupy Wall Street!
The American Näzï Party USA Supports Occupy Wall Street!
The New Bläck Panther Party Supports Occupy Wall Street!
Obama Gives Shout-Out to Occupy Wall Street!
Illegals Paid To Carry Occupy Wall Street Signs They Can't Read!
Communist Party Leader Gets Huge Ovation at Occupy Chicago Rally!
Märxïst Occupy DC Protesters Hold Rally at Chamber of Commerce!
DemocRATS Ëmbräcë Occupy Wall Street!
Müslïm Occupy Orlando Jihad!

All these links are here...

13 years ago @ - Christie Pounds MSNBC ... · 1 reply · +54 points

At least Christie's fat is around the middle... NOT between the ears!

13 years ago @ - Al Gore: Global Warmin... · 0 replies · +4 points


A DemocRAT lies about everything (Obama), räpës a teen (Wu), cheats on his taxes (Rangle), cheats on her taxes (Waters), lives with a pïmp (Frank), Twitters his package (Weiner), has an extramarital affair (Clinton), cheats on his wife (Edwards), lies about his military service (Blumenthal), sells his vote (Stupak), accepts bribes (Murtha RIP), puts bribes in his freezer (Jefferson), sells a Senate seat (Jackson), backs underage sëx-träffïckïng (Cleaver), lies about räcïsm (Carnahan), gropes a mässüësë (Gore), diverts funds to her husbands bank (Waters), and on and on ad nauseam...

THEY ARE DEMOCRATS and IT IS EXPECTED OF THEM! They have no morals, there is no God, praise hömösëxüäls, be politically correct, murder your baby, tax global warming, tax global cooling, ëmbräcë illegals, abandon our allies, apologize to our enemies, big Socialist government is the answer to everything.


DemocRATS - The Party of Looters, Vandals and Liars!

Hey Gore, ask that clueless, dope smoking, little marxist wart... WHERE ARE THE JOBS?

13 years ago @ Big Hollywood - Belafonte on Obama: He... · 0 replies · +2 points

Harry Belafonte Steps Forward to Prove His Ignorance!

Find any anti-American, anti-family, anti-Christian, obscene, depraved cause, and Hollywood will supply scores of these most vacuous, vulgar, preening egotists on the face of the Earth supporting it.

In their narrow, little world they only ässöcïätë with other self-important, Hollywood snobs. They spew their anti-American venom to the unwashed while they flaunt their moral depravity and mental illnesses in front of the World. They preach "tolerance" but they are not satisfied with tolerance, They want full acceptance of their sick lifestyles. In reality, they act the part of heroes while they surrounding themselves with adoring, weak minded worshipers who will never tell them the truth.

Hollywood's Push to Normalize Sëx With Children...

Democrats - The Party of Hate and Lies...

13 years ago @ - Ron Paul: Occupy And T... · 0 replies · 0 points

Ron Paul reminds me of Don Quixote... An honest and gallant man... but completely off his tree :)