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8 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Open Thread - March 15... · 0 replies · +2 points

Hello Billyb9

It is gracious of you to say Hello.
It is such a long time, I am about but "say nothing."

My best wishes to you and yours this coming Easter.

9 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - 11-Jun-15 World View -... · 1 reply · +4 points

Good morning John,

Thank you for your continued analysis.
I do not give thanks often enough.

The humor is also much appreciated.

9 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - New Jersey Woman Stabb... · 0 replies · +2 points

Hello Deusex.

Thank you for your thoughts.
For some years now I have agreed with the flavor of your thinking, as if we enjoyed the same local pub....
though in the real world I am a teetotaler... by necessity not inclination.

As you and your nestmate, hubby & I are "own it, pay in full" people (from another post.)

The thought of multitudes of middle-men, with their contracts, fine print and collections, having an open door of my own making, into my life, is illogical. And the chaos created keeps one from being aware of the real threat... abundantly depicted in this article.

Yes.... when did our "rights" turn into government paper work?

9 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Filmmakers Bringing th... · 2 replies · +3 points

Yes, that is a truth.

The other big spin pit I chew on is the "White, thug, gang biker" Waco Twin Peak's meme...

Tell me again.... how many CVS were burned down.... how many liquor stores looted...

Sigh... I am going out to my garden.

9 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Birds learn 'languages... · 2 replies · +2 points

Thank you BZ, for continuing to remind me that there is more to us in this "hour of the Barbarian."

I am upset today at a headline in the WSJ (see post open thread am 5/26)
Recently our children have died for our land under ROE that "Delivered them bound to the Pit"

1914. 2014. Kipling is timeless truth.

9 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Filmmakers Bringing th... · 4 replies · +4 points

From today's WSJ (just the headline, I no longer subscribe)

Silly me, I thought I was over being upset by "journalism," apparently not.

My headline would read..." gains reveal absence of suicidal ROE."

9 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Birds learn 'languages... · 0 replies · +7 points

Thank You all who have and do serve, and also those who have given the full measure.

You are the reason I am able to say Thank You today.

9 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Nicaraguan protests ge... · 1 reply · +3 points

snort.... I'm laughing.... why am I laughing....

that was funny....in a OMG AintDatDahTroof on so many levels kinda way...

maybe the WH can have NASA do an outreach to explain things...

the WH seemed to have an epiphany this afternoon (see my post below)... what ever will happen next.

9 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Nicaraguan protests ge... · 1 reply · +3 points

Uhmmmm... I believe there has been an error from the WH.... poor Josh...

From TownHall

9 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Nicaraguan protests ge... · 1 reply · +6 points

Sigh.... a rephrasing of the similar question.... why was the current occupant elected.... twice....
both answered by Deusex... mob rules.