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6 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Evening Open Post - Ju... · 0 replies · +4 points

I don’t think mr Magoo Sessions will be around very much longer.
When he recused himself in the Russian collusion probe, he punched his ticket back to Alabama.
Trey Goudy sounds logical...

6 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Evening Open Post - Ju... · 0 replies · +1 points

Attention LIBERALS:
Mexico just elected a socialist president, so you
political retards can now simply cross the open border, settle in for all the free crapola you’ve been dreaming of. Where your life will be utopia all the time, albeit Mexican style utopia... they also have abundant marijuana and crack!!!
Plus they have tacos!!!

6 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Evening Open Post - Ju... · 29 replies · +3 points

Frau Merkel seems to be playing Russian roulette (with an automatic) as her side
dealing with Herr Putin get exposed...
She is finished whether she pulls the trigger or not...

6 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Open Thread - July 14,... · 5 replies · +3 points

How is Russian election hacking, trying to influence votes thru Facebook ads, thus a hoped for outcome, any different from me sending out a political flyer or you mailing a postcard disparaging the other guy while asking for your vote...??

There was no consequential Russian election hacking.
Even the political idiot Obumbler said as much... of course when the idiot said it, he
thought the HillBilly would easily win...

6 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Evening Open Post - Ju... · 7 replies · +3 points

The female version of Strzok, Lisa Page will not ever testify.
These two lying cowards will insure Repub gains in the Senate and House
and another 6 years of President Trump.
What could be better?

6 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Congressman Keith Elli... · 1 reply · +3 points

We’re watching the historic summit. Little Rocketman doesn’t
seem comfortable with the towering Trumpster....
Quite the contrast in personas.... LRM is kinda stuck between a rock
and a boulder... But Pres Trump won’t rub it in as long as the nukes
are dismantled....
LRM must be blown away as he looks upon the Singapore economic
miracle, envisioning the same for his backward-ass country...

Let’s hope LRM is smart enough to dance to Trumps tune..

6 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - The Euro Isn't Dead (Yet) · 2 replies · +2 points

The Euro may not be dead, and probably won’t be as long as it is accepted
as a medium of exchange but as the the perceived ‘union’ continues to weaken
so will the Euro currency.
Eventually, most member countries will drop out, go their own way, and go back
to the original currency....
Brexit was the opening salvo...

6 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Open Thread - June 1, ... · 0 replies · +2 points

WeeToad was just a lame regular Joe...
nowhere near the obnoxious level of Alinsky or Shawn The IranianPawn...

6 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - The Trump Jobs Machine... · 0 replies · +2 points

Such a “no brainer”... that’s why progressives have such a problem with Capitalism...
(They have no functioning gray matter)

6 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Open Thread - June 1, ... · 2 replies · +2 points

I was hoping for some kind of painful demise...