I think many of us still cling, at least inadvertently, to the ill fated Atheism + movement. We all want to belong to a common group but at the end of the day atheism is simply a lack of belief.
I think the subject of one being an atheist is finite but I don't think the subject of atheism is finite. While being an atheist is who one is there is much one can do with that actuality.
Have you looked into Tumbler or Medium as a platform?
While I have had a Twitter account for long time I have never felt that it was serious discussion platform. I think Facebook has been better whhw it comes to discussion but primarily in closed groups. I have recently been using Mastadon but I haven't yet found my groove. What I miss is the blog rolls which I found a lot more interactive. Sadly, this is the only blog I comment on anymore.
Thanks for the repost. I didn't realize it was a repost until I saw the comment by Mark Pogue
So they are encouraging LSD use?
And in another 50 years people will hopefully believe COVID is true.
You make it sound like Atheists are a diverse group. 8~p
I noticed the same in me a few years ago but I never really gave it much thought until now. The athiest group I belong to works to keep this from being a problem by engaging with the religious community.
In our local group we have good representation of women - about 40% overall. When it comes to taking an activist role in the group it is no less than 50%. However, nearly all of the women in the group are married and and attend with their partner. As for younger women I would have to agree with the Shoreatheist. There is another atheist group in the area that is really a mommies and me play date group that got tired of all the religion in the other groups. There is also a large active campus group at the University near is but they tend to be busy with school.