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8 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Far More to Political ... · 0 replies · +3 points

It's rare that committed theists come to blogs such as this and interact with others because they want to learn. Overwhelmingly, theists come to blogs like this to try to convert atheists or to make themselves feel more secure in their own delusions. Oftentimes it's both.
I don't understand what you mean by irony, unless it was from your side...which it was.
Let's be frank. You aren't going to change your mind about anything, no matter how much evidence is presented that refutes your positions.
I've seen this played out a thousand or more times over the last decade. A theist comes into a rational bloggers home, takes a squat in the middle of his living room and unleashes a torrent of excrement. Once finished, the theist points to it and wants others to refute it. The problem is, all of your arguments have been refuted millions of times, both in print and elsewhere. You are surrounded by reality and you still haven't made a conscious choice to accept it. It would be the height of arrogance for me to think that I alone would be the one to deconvert you. You're a committed ideologue with no interest in truth, evidence or reality.
Good luck with that and dasvidaniya.

8 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Far More to Political ... · 0 replies · +4 points

Not all ideologies are dangerous, Jim. Those that are dangerous, however, more often than not offer up some sort of other dimensional paradise or utopian heaven on earth to the gullible. Nazism and Marxism are examples of the latter.

To quote Steven Pinker, “… since utopias are infinitely good forever, and can justify any amount of violence to pursue that utopia, the costs are still outweighed by the benefits. Utopias also tend to demonise certain people as obstacles to a perfect world, whoever they are: the ruling classes, the bourgeois, the Jews or the infidels and heretics. As long as your ideology identifies the main source of the world's ills as a definable group, it opens the world up to genocide.”
Interestingly, you offer up as inspiration a collection of mythical and historical personalities that are responsible for most of the man-made misery on this planet. If you had added Marx, Mussolini and Hitler to your list, it would cover our entire history up to the last century.

8 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Far More to Political ... · 0 replies · +3 points

Very well, Jim. Can you explain where you believe vision, motivation and morality arise from?

8 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Far More to Political ... · 0 replies · +4 points

Could you please clarify your response? What specifically do you disagree with Jim?

8 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Far More to Political ... · 5 replies · +6 points

"...give some deep thought to forgetting about ideologies, and focusing more on attitudes and behaviors"

Attitudes and behaviors that do not have a biological origin are acquired from ideology.
No, focusing on ideology is exactly what should be done.
Better to address the root cause of a malady than to focus on its symptoms.

8 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Far More to Political ... · 0 replies · +5 points

Awesome post. Took the test. Smack dab in the Libertarian Left quadrant. No great surprise there...

9 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Racism, Guns, Flags, a... · 0 replies · +4 points

This post is nothing short of awesome. Thank you, you made my day.

9 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Explaining Trump · 0 replies · +2 points


9 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Explaining Trump · 1 reply · +3 points

Oh yeah, I'm real bigoted like that. That's how I roll... :-)

9 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Explaining Trump · 3 replies · +5 points

Braggarts and bullies always have their following. Throw a lot of money into the mix and they're irresistible to the dentally and mentally challenged.