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12 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - I\'ve Never Seen an FF... · 0 replies · 0 points

Right you are... Say it again - LOUDER.

12 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - I\'ve Never Seen an FF... · 0 replies · +1 points

I'm with you on this. The false notion that there is an "afterlife" is at the very heart of the most popular religions and it must be sharply challenged as the nonsense it truly is. Dead is dead, for goodness sakes!

12 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Empathizing With Chris... · 0 replies · 0 points

You are quite correct, Vjack, and your message that believing Christians are nothing less than victims of those who foster misinformation - primarily clergymen and politicians - needs to become the spearhead of social change for the secular-minded activist. In addition, those of us who wish to see religious propaganda set aside once and for all need to focus not only on silencing those propagandists, both the misguiding clergyman and the unethical power-seeking politician, but also upon those believing victims, the ordinary commoners, by recognizing that they as believers are to often so deeply over invested in their ideals of faith and belief that they will obstinately struggle against admitting their own mistake of gullibility. This threat of personal embarrassment, an admission of ones own foolishness, is perhaps the toughest obstacle facing us all. "In your face truth" must be carefully tempered and evened out by adding in our small measures of compassion and empathy for those who have fallen prey to the trappings of religious dishonesty.

12 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Special Prayerfest Edi... · 0 replies · -2 points

It's a shame that these idiots fail to recognize how much secular minded supporters of church state separation (and most atheists are included in this group) are the true protectors of every citizens right to believe as he will without government interference. Protecting individual freedom of thought and belief (no matter how ridiculous) is at the very heart of the secular movement. It's a wonder fundies are so ignorant of this fact.

12 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Should I Post the Iden... · 0 replies · -2 points

Here. Here.

12 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - What\'s in a Name? · 0 replies · -4 points

I have always been impressed by the title of your blog - an "Atheist Revolution" of the mind is precisely to the point of what our American society (and government) need at this critical moment in time.

I do wonder, however, whether "cross hair O's" ought to be featured in the word "Revolution" - I understand you to have no inclinations toward promoting violence, yet your election to display such symbolism says otherwise. Perhaps you could consider redesigning your blog's display.

13 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Time to Join the Pledg... · 1 reply · -1 points

Unfortunately, the courts are as unlikely an authority to overrule and restore the 50's amendment to the pledge and revert back to its godless predecessors; and, also unfortunately, the same is true for our present day coin and currency. Congress has a perfectly air-tight right to choose this sort of thing and to make it law.

The place we atheists and secularists ought to be focusing our attention is not the courts; but rather, Congress... New debate on the appropriate use of the word "God" by our government must be initiated before any hope for change can be anticipated. Today's Congress must be persuaded to recognize that our current motto and the use of it is (and has always been) nothing less than shortsighted mistakes of our past .

13 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Suppressing Science Ha... · 0 replies · 0 points

"... the reality-based community must care about religion."

Must care about? I'm wondering if the word "care" is appropriate here? How about "keep a watchful eye on" as an alternative? LOL

13 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Lessons From CNN\'s Be... · 0 replies · -3 points

"Most Americans are religiously illiterate."

Stephen Prothero, Professor of Religion at Boston University specializing in American religions, recognized this and wrote a terrific book aimed at filling in the void. The book is: "Religious Literacy. What every American needs to know - and doesn't." Read it and see if you're up to par on the history of American religion, its diversity and its misunderstood place in society.

13 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - California Bigotry · 0 replies · -3 points

Bigots are plentiful in our society. It's when they act on there bigotry that things get stick for them.

I hope you're following this case from your neighbor state, Arkansas... http://www.arktimes.com/arkansas/pray-for-cata/Co...