


501 comments posted · 94 followers · following 12

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - On Being Bullied · 0 replies · +2 points

Sorry that happened to you Salome. My Junior High bullying ended with me taking the head bully by his school tie and slamming his head over and over into a mud puddle.

Ah, the things that shape us....

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - Ode to a Guido · 0 replies · +2 points

*standing ovation*

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - A Mind with a Mind of ... · 0 replies · +2 points

I agree with the others that this was brilliantly written and applaud you for your bravery.

A friend of mine had a minor seziure in his office and I had to take him home. He looked blissfully happy and responded to my instructions, but was definitely not all there. What struck me was that he had about *20* different medications - I suppose he and his doctor were trying different things.

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - Question of the Day: W... · 1 reply · +5 points

"Oh Bwunhilde, you're so wuvly."
"Yes I know it, I can't help it."

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - How to Throw an Adult ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Um. This was hilarious, and I could literally see it in my head, like a bad flashback to The Ice Storm.

Well done.

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - Ignorance and Bigotry ... · 1 reply · +4 points

The avatar has a story..... At The Other Place, I dared to issue a very mild criticism of a piece posted by Adrian Chen. The next day, he was struck by lightning. Hence...

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - Ignorance and Bigotry ... · 1 reply · +1 points

I will never get that ice cream truck jingle out of my head. And thanks!

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - Ignorance and Bigotry ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Thank you! I'm on FIYA!!!

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - Ignorance and Bigotry ... · 1 reply · +1 points

Don't let her sully your fair moniker!

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - Ignorance and Bigotry ... · 0 replies · +1 points

Well, those traits are often exhibited simultaneously. But yeah.