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7 years ago @ Crasstalk - Start Now Open Thread · 1 reply · +6 points

All I read in those reviews is someone who thinks being a "critic" means "shitting all the fuck over this show because that's edgy!"

7 years ago @ Crasstalk - Start Now Open Thread · 0 replies · +7 points

Oh, god yes, watch HoC. Sure, seasons 3-5 aren't quite as good as seasons 1 & 2, but the show settles into what I characterize as a Shakespearean absurdity that is, on balance, pretty fucking entertaining.

I am fine--thanks for asking!--I did find a hiding spot for my herbal refreshment, one I think she won't find. I haven't lived with anybody since 1999; neither of us thought I would be the sibling who would "take her in," but after our sister's death, I guess it's me.:D

7 years ago @ Crasstalk - Start Now Open Thread · 1 reply · +10 points

To balance that out, my mother is insanely good at tipping. Last year, we went for a late breakfast and--I shit you not--she handed the waitress a $20.

7 years ago @ Crasstalk - Start Now Open Thread · 4 replies · +14 points

Well, it's been a very busy time for me, which is why I've been fairly absent from 'round these parts. In NEW news, I'm moving my mother from Tulsa to SC...she'll stay with me until we find her a place.

7 years ago @ Crasstalk - Start Now Open Thread · 13 replies · +23 points

Me, when I'm reading the A.V. Club's "reviews" of House of Cards, season 5:

7 years ago @ Crasstalk - Early Week Open Thread · 3 replies · +18 points

Why. Are. We. Paying Attention. To ANY. of these stupid as fuck talking heads on a fucking so-called "news" network, when we fucking know that the REAL journalism NEVER SHOWS UP FROM THEM. They merely RESTATE what ACTUAL journalists have alfuckingreadydone!

7 years ago @ Crasstalk - Early Week Open Thread · 0 replies · +3 points

Did it? Really?

7 years ago @ Crasstalk - Early Week Open Thread · 1 reply · +9 points

I just sucked my teeth so hard, they came.

7 years ago @ Crasstalk - Early Week Open Thread · 0 replies · +4 points

I'm gonna wait till tomorrow.

7 years ago @ Crasstalk - Early Week Open Thread · 2 replies · +21 points

I hope so too. I will say, we say "I love you" more and argue less. And I now understand what she meant when she told me about forgetting what she was mad at her father about. I didn't speak to her for six years, I was so intent on holding on to my anger at her.

This life is so damn fragile.