


260 comments posted · 56 followers · following 19

13 years ago @ Homologous Legs - Update on my Signature... · 0 replies · +2 points

On the contrary, they seem to have a very good idea of what they are trying to do. What they have difficulty doing is a) publishing anything that comes even vaguely close to looking like science, and b) hiding their theistic agenda (i.e. Wedge) behind a veneer of same.

13 years ago @ nullifidian - "Mummy, what's a 'yoom... · 0 replies · +1 points

For a populist rag like the Mail this may cause them to re-think their usual conservative stance.

While I commend your hopeful enthusiasm, I sincerely doubt it. Happy to be proven wrong, though!

13 years ago @ Bloggerheads - Nadine Dorries and the... · 0 replies · +1 points

Letter of complaint sent to Nominet []:


I belief the above domain [], the owners of which are currently exercising their power to opt-out from the WHOIS database, which as a political-action entity supported by two Members of Parliament, should be subject to the principles of openness and accountability to the public interest that we, as UK citizens, now require for our political representatives.

As this web site's purpose is to call for support of political action, notwithstanding the controversial nature of the topic, I believe that it is essential for the purposes of accountability that this domain can be audited and tracked back to its sponsors.

If you decide that opting-out is reasonable for such purposes, I would ask that you clarify the rules as to when the opt-out from the WHOIS database is appropriate concerning such political entities.

Yours faithfully,

<my name>

13 years ago @ nullifidian - Quantum Jumping · 0 replies · +1 points

At least the guy hasn't changed his name to "Sam Beckett"...

14 years ago @ Paliban Daily - British mayor swaps co... · 0 replies · +2 points

Cllr Jon Kaye said:
The prayer enables councillors to not only reflect on what is said, but to think about how we conduct ourselves during the subsequent three-hour meetings.

So Mr Kaye is unable to conduct himself professionally and with due diligence unless he has previously bowed his head and mouthed a platitude to his god?

Glad he's not on my local council, then.

14 years ago @ Deep Thoughts - Death and euthanasia · 0 replies · +3 points

I'm so very sorry for your loss. Please accept my condolences. Your updates have been both saddening and thought-provoking, and I appreciate you sharing your story.

Take care.

14 years ago @ Deep Thoughts - You want the story? · 1 reply · +2 points

Coldplay? You really are a glutton for punishment. ;-)

14 years ago @ Attempts at Rational B... - Singing Sunday school ... · 0 replies · +1 points

They spelled "parrot" wrong.

14 years ago @ Attempts at Rational B... - Methinks the lady doth... · 0 replies · +1 points

It is.

14 years ago @ Sean the Blogonaut - What Skeptics think of... · 1 reply · +2 points

The man is completely hatstand.