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13 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Becoming More Accessib... · 0 replies · -3 points

The ideas in the atheist community about using "sexy atheist women" were absolutely alienating. Personally, I lost a lot of trust in the outlets that expressed that view. While there's definitely something to be said for showing theists that women are atheists too, the suggestion to women's bodies for marketing was a slap in the face.

Women don't need to be "reached out" to. There's this ridiculous idea that men have that something gender-neutral won't appeal to women, that women need special, women-things.

Broadsnark hit the nail on the head right here:

"Perhaps we should consider that one reason why atheist activism tends to be so skewed towards white, middle class, men is that they don't have as many competing frustrations to deal with."

14 years ago @ The Antichristian Phen... - Christianity, not Isla... · 0 replies · +1 points

The power with religion is twofold:

1. It creates opinions based free of evidence.
2. I repeat the quote at the end of my post:

“The thing about religion is that it provides a powerful language through which you can justify any ideology.” —Reeza Aslan, author of God Or No God.

14 years ago @ The Antichristian Phen... - The most depressing st... · 0 replies · +1 points

I read this story too. Incredibly sad. Is this really what morality is supposed to be?

14 years ago @ The Antichristian Phen... - Christianity, not Isla... · 0 replies · +1 points

The power of Christianity in America lies less in specific groups--although there is this, as well as groups outside of the US affecting voters--and more in the overall effect Christian thinking has on voters. Nevermind the powerful language and influence used by religious leaders.

14 years ago @ The Antichristian Phen... - Christianity, not Isla... · 0 replies · +1 points

db0 is correct - nevermind that Islam, regardless of what it thinks, nevertheless has a very small effect. Christianity does not.

14 years ago @ The Antichristian Phen... - Christianity, not Isla... · 0 replies · +1 points

I've specifically said that the danger of Christianity in the US doesn't lie in the lives it takes but in the fact that it influences public policy so strongly.

14 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - I Get E-Mail From a 12... · 1 reply · +3 points

I remember being a girl of twelve or so and arguing with people whose knowledge vastly exceeded my own, and thinking that my recycled arguments like "there was no Adam and Steve" actually proved anything. I don't mean that children can't be just as or more intelligent than adults (in fact they often are), but to the girl, if she is indeed a young girl, I have this to say: life is vastly more complicated than even a genius can comprehend. There is so much to learn about evolution and the human body and the brain and how people think and work, and all of that knowledge is beautiful and worth soaking in. You don't have to believe any of us, but get interested in science and learning how things work a bit more, and you won't regret it.

14 years ago @ The Antichristian Phen... - Christianity, not Isla... · 4 replies · +2 points

I don't understand what you mean by "used by Christians for fear-mongering."

> Our Christian government has used Islamist terrorist attacks as a method of gaining support for themselves and for a war, when in reality the seasonal flu causes more deaths. Christians in general also turn it into a holy war--just look at the recent controversy over plans to build a mosque /near/ Ground Zero.

Also, what biblical laws do you mean?

> Ones like "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live", which have resulted in the deaths of countless innocent women. But yes, Sharia law is worse.

Christianity's idea of hell doesn't scare me, because it's just an idea. People with weapons scare me.

> You are more likely to be killed by a Christian with a weapon in America than a Muslim. That aside, again, the actual number of deaths caused by Islam in America is very low. And while the Christian hell doesn't influence you, it influences the vast majority of the country and the government as well. THAT should scare you.

14 years ago @ The Antichristian Phen... - Christianity, not Isla... · 0 replies · +1 points

Islam is certainly terrible for those countries it controls and has serious influence in. I recall someone referring to Iran and remarking that it is rare a country's elderly look back on more progressive and liberal days with fond memories. And Islam certainly does exert an influence in censoring anti-Islam criticism. But does Islam exert control over the entirety of the American political system? Only when it's used by Christians for fearmongering.

America is perfectly capable of looking like that if it were ruled entirely by Biblical law. Unlikely, but horrible religious laws are not unique to Islam.

14 years ago @ The Antichristian Phen... - Christianity, not Isla... · 1 reply · +2 points

Curious about the neo-pagan religions as a way to reinvent nationalism--what do you mean by that?