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12 years ago @ - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 0 replies · +10 points

Ugh, how did I manage to put this all the way up here? I meant to reply the most recent post. :$

12 years ago @ - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 5 replies · +15 points


He can give away Joffrey! But Myrcella and Tommen are kind of awesome, so of course Joffrey stays and they might be going.

Ergh, I do wonder what happened to Jeyne Poole.

Um, she probably got sent to some nice sunny farm with her grandparents where she’s living under an assumed name and is very happy. Totally.

Fur vf gur "Neln" jub jnf frag zneel Enzfnl Obygba, vfa'g fur? *fuhqqre*

This is going to be a YA series starring Arya Stark, leader of a band of misfit bastards and rogues, trying to survive in big bad Westeros.

Uh-huh. That would be awesome! But no.

I wonder if Weasel will turn out to be someone important. Maybe another bastard daughter?


I really like the way people use "stupid" as a noun in this book. "You stupid stupid stupid STUPID!" It's cute.

I think only Arya does, which is so adorable, because she seems to think it’s SUCH an insult.

jung cbvfba ner lbh trggvat, Glevba? Jub ner lbh tbvat gb cbvfba?? Pna vg or Wbsserl? Cyrnfr cbvfba Wbsserl.

BX, guvf vf whfg trggvat evqvphybhf abj.

12 years ago @ - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 1 reply · +10 points

N jbzna vf ynhtuvat jnl gbb uneq ng guvf guernq.

12 years ago @ - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 1 reply · +8 points

Walders, you are awful! Do you want to be on The Worst or something? Don't make fun of Hodor! He is Hodor! He is a gentle giant! Would you make fun of Andre the Giant if all he said was "Andre"?? Wait, yes, you probably would.

They are The Worst: Junior Edition!

V ernyyl jnag ure gb orpbzr vzcbegnag naq qb fbzrguvat pbby. Fur unf gb unir fghpx nebhaq (aneengviryl) sbe n ernfba.

Jurer gur uryy vf Bfun naljnl? Ng guvf cbvag V guvax fur'f rvgure qrnq be unf orra ohfl perngvat gur Juvgr Jnyxre Ncbpnylcfr Fheiviny Thvqr.

12 years ago @ - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 4 replies · +12 points

And Ned being all evasive about who Jon's mother is.

12 years ago @ - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 0 replies · +10 points

I NEVER would have figured it out on my own. Of course, as I soon as I heard about it I was kicking myself, becuase it seems SO OBVIOUS now.

12 years ago @ - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 0 replies · +12 points

Funr!! Ur oebhtug ure gb Xvat'f Ynaqvat naljnl! Fhpx vg, qnq!

Jvyy abg znxr gnfgyrff wbxr. Jvyy abg znxr gnfgryrff wbxr. Jvyy abg znxr gnfgryrff wbxr….

Oena jnagf gb or n jbys. Ur ubjyf naq vg'f fb phgr. Bxnl, fpengpu gur ovbavp yrtf, pna ur orpbzr n jrerjbys?

Bu zl shpxvat tbq.

12 years ago @ - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 0 replies · +12 points

Exactly. So Westeros history is just as confusing as real-world history.

12 years ago @ - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 0 replies · +11 points

Whaaaat, an old master is trying to poison someone? It's like a Bizarro first chapter of The Golden Compass!

Whyyyy did you have to put that in my mind? Now I want to go through and figure out what everybody’s daemon would be!
Bu zl tbq, V sbetbg gung gur cbvfba gur znrfgre hfrq jnf gur Fgenatyre.

But who the fuck chooses a cluster of grapes as their sigil? All these sigils are kind of hilarious. I guess all the cool ones got taken.

All the important, powerful families have to have the really impressive sigils- Dragons and Lions and Wolves, on my!

Bu Tbbbbbq, Wbsserl naq Prefrv unir pbzcyrgryl fpneerq Fnafn sbe yvsr naq abj fur jba'g gehfg nalbar rire!! LBH PNA GEHFG GLEVBA FNAFN.

Njjj, cbbe hacercnerq onol pnys.

(I'm still sad about Ned, but killing him turned Sansa awesome.)

Definitely the only good thing to come from that.

12 years ago @ - Geeky Weekly Funtimez · 0 replies · +12 points

You guys I think I love Sansa now.

That is the 100% correct reaction to that chapter.

A sound you wish you could have heard: my sharp intake of breath as Dany smothered Khal Drogo.

A sight you wish you could have seen: my mouth hanging open afterward.

That is the 100% correct reaction to that event.