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11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Doctor W... · 0 replies · +4 points

After the episode when I realized that it was the first thing that made me smile.

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Doctor W... · 0 replies · +2 points

I don't think Moffat even tries to keep track anymore...wibbly wobbly timey whimey.

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Doctor W... · 0 replies · +1 points


11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Doctor W... · 0 replies · +15 points

WATCH THIS AFTER YOU WATCH THE EPISODE!!! The Last Days of the Ponds BBC Special. I cried... again.


You probably also want a tissue box. You were warned.

[youtube zU1UVES796A youtube]

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Doctor W... · 0 replies · +4 points

OK. Thank you Markverse for a few moments of solace. I'm going to go cry myself to sleep now.

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Doctor W... · 0 replies · +14 points

3 deaths in one episode! Captain Jack doesn't even always have 3 deaths in one episode!

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Doctor W... · 1 reply · +7 points

lol. thought the same thing. Like really Rory?? Father of the year.

(And that actually gave it away for me... the moment he said it I was like watch it be River.)

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Doctor W... · 0 replies · +11 points

Guys... I didn't liveblog. Not this episode it was already too much to handle.... (and I watched it late cause I was working)

But I just needed to go somewhere and be held by the internet and this seems like a safe place.

I feel like I'm at a funeral and I'm so unbelievably sad but they led such GREAT lives that even though I'm so unbelievably sad I can't help but smile just a little bit over such stupid things...

Like I love how Rory's death count went up by 3 in this episode!! Old Rory died, Rory jumped off the building, Rory actually died (or at least his tombstone leads us to believe that)... AND while that it unbelievably sad it does kind of put a smile on your face for a life well lived. Our centurion.

Long live the Ponds. lol... I wonder when they became "Williams"

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Doctor W... · 0 replies · +13 points

Touché. It was also very 10 of him.

11 years ago @ Mark Watches - Mark Watches 'Doctor W... · 0 replies · +5 points

Didn't liveblog although I almost watched it with the west coast so I almost could have... BUT here are my thoughts anyway.

Again. There were some absolutely brilliant lines in this episode but no reference to the story arc of the season (at least that I can see who knows we could go back and watch this at the end of the season and be like OH MOFFAT YOU CLEVER DEVIL but at this point I don't see it) the BIG reveal about Amy and her job and more set-up for her leaving was a bit underwhelming.... Moffat keeps having these huge scenes of character development at the climax of the episode. I feel like he is preparing to RIP OUR HEARTS OUT.

I guess this next bit is a theory about how I think Moffat will rip our hearts out. So I'll ROT13 it... THEORIES ABOUND. Jr'er tbaan frr gurz tebj byq... sbe erny guvf gvzr. Gur qbpgbe jvyy fgbc ol yrff naq yrff naq gura.... :( V guvax gung'f jul fur fnvq gung yvar nobhg "hagvy V qvr..." Vg'f irel gehr. Ubj qb lbh bhgyvir n gvzrybeq.

Most of the characters introduced confused me. 11 killing Solomon was very 10 of the doctor. (I love that you fabulous people will understand that statement).

Erm. I really am looking forward to gifs of this episode... I want a triceratops now.