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8 years ago @ http://simplyleftbehin... - Adios, Jon Stewart · 0 replies · +1 points

TYT annoys me. Between Cenk yelling like a playground bully and all the "gosh-golly" rhetoric, I can't stand watching it. I watch Pakman of course because I'm a big FreeSpeech.Org supporter, along with Bill Press and Stephanie Miller.

Stewart is still light years ahead of them all, however.

9 years ago @ http://simplyleftbehin... - Heartland Institute: R... · 0 replies · +2 points

artist formerly known as global warming


9 years ago @ Wonkette - The Fartknocker Report... · 3 replies · +14 points

“The issue becomes, we’re questioning the woman’s word,” Rep. Renee Ellmers, R-N.C., said earlier Wednesday. “We have to be compassionate to women when they’re in a crisis situation.”

So Ellmers is a slut?

9 years ago @ Wonkette - The Fartknocker Report... · 2 replies · +9 points

She looks like she just sat on a moosecock for the first time in a while and needs a little...loosening.

9 years ago @ Wonkette - Rep. Blake Farenthold:... · 1 reply · +4 points

See, there's my point: if you need to see Twilight to get laid, you need to date better.

Or just lay out for a hooker.

9 years ago @ Wonkette - Rep. Blake Farenthold:... · 0 replies · +2 points

In his case, it looks more like a sperm minnow. But he still has to go searching for it, even when he's standing in front of a mirror

9 years ago @ Wonkette - Rep. Blake Farenthold:... · 3 replies · +3 points

Question: did it work? Because that would be awkward.

9 years ago @ Wonkette - Rep. Blake Farenthold:... · 0 replies · +4 points

Thanks, Obama!

9 years ago @ Wonkette - Rep. Blake Farenthold:... · 0 replies · +4 points

Fifty shades of fake.

9 years ago @ Wonkette - Rep. Blake Farenthold:... · 0 replies · +5 points


You look like Flounder from Animal House inbred with Mason Reese.

You sexually harassed her. It's about as close to a hot woman as you'll ever get without feeding quarters into the timer.