Tom Markiewicz

Tom Markiewicz


27 comments posted · 196 followers · following 26

13 years ago @ Highway 12 Ventures - Less Data? · 0 replies · +1 points

Great post Mark. I know this was more focused on personal data tracking, but we actually take some of this approach at StatsMix. We've found that many of our customers have information overload and pulling in all their data from different sources can intensify this problem. So when they start as a new customer, we make opinionated decisions on what metrics they should be tracking from third-party services and then have them make decisions about what custom metrics to send. They still have the option to send as much data as they want, but we found that forcing them to make choices on their metrics at the outset made making actionable decisions on their metrics a bit easier.

13 years ago @ Online Aspect - Why charging for devel... · 0 replies · +1 points

I agree with your post, but there's another issue here. I've read that for various accounting reasons Apple has to charge for these apps. They've already done it with FaceTime ($.99 when I was free before the MAS) and they've had to do the same with some of the iOS upgrades in the past.

Regardless, to your main point, if that's the case they could have made the price even cheaper.

14 years ago @ StartupCFO - Accounting 2.0 · 0 replies · +1 points

Another service not mentioned is WorkingPoint. I'm just starting to test them out and while I like it so far, there are still numerous drawbacks that I'm trying to reconcile before committing to them. Recurring transactions is one and another is import - both of existing accounts from Quickbooks as well as auto importing of data from bank accounts, etc.

14 years ago @ Bill Flagg - Is playfulness good fo... · 1 reply · +1 points

I think this idea works great to the extent that it does feel personable and custom.

I'm on Moosejaw's mailing list and I think they actually take it too far. Every email from them sounds cheesy and contrived as opposed to the example you wrote above.

14 years ago @ all hail the shag - what\'s old is new aga... · 0 replies · +1 points

Honestly, I absolutely despise this new trend of toolbars - both on websites and from link sharing services. I see them being more useful for the publisher and much less so for the end user / reader. Maybe this is just an advanced user / early adopter perspective, but I already have all my methods in place for reading and sharing. The toolbars (top or bottom) just seem so intrusive to me.

Ari, what have you been seeing from Filtrbox's perspective on engagement of users with the toolbars. I'd assume you're still collecting data on this, but if it has been a smashing success I'd love to hear about it and be convinced otherwise.

15 years ago @ LilBiker - Startup Weekend Boulder 3 · 0 replies · +1 points

Great post - you captured the weekend quite well. Go MediaPatcher!

15 years ago @ Tom Markiewicz - iPhone Impressions Aft... · 0 replies · +1 points

Odzyskiwanie, I think you're missing my point. 21 hours of battery life while using the iPhone as a computer (not just phone functions) is still impressive to me when my Macbook Pro can get at best 2 hours on a charge.

15 years ago @ Startup Weekend - Boulder Coworking- The... · 0 replies · +1 points

Very exciting! Are you aware of any other more formal (ie. not coffee shops, but actual spaces) in Boulder?

15 years ago @ Startup Weekend - Be Political · 1 reply · +1 points

You make great points, but the problem with most people is that they don't follow your rule #2 - be respectful. I'm very interested in hearing thoughtful and interesting commentary and info from all sides of the political spectrum, but what I don't care for are attacks on candidates and parties.

Additionally, most people are simply not open minded enough to listen to all sides even if they've made up their minds.

This is where people start alienating others and the likely reason why the strategist said to avoid political commentary on your blog. For many, it may be safer to keep quiet. It's sad and I don't necessarily agree with it, but it's likely true.

15 years ago @ Tom Markiewicz - Bad Email Marketing fr... · 0 replies · +1 points

Good points. I guess my overall argument is to get people to fill out surveys it usually takes more that the promise of getting lucky!