Climbing Narcissist

Climbing Narcissist


2 comments posted · 5 followers · following 1

16 years ago @ Colorado Startups - Denvers Photobucket Is... · 0 replies · +1 points

Glad to see that Yourclimbing and the other sites have found a new owner!

16 years ago @ Colorado Startups - Denvers Photobucket Is... · 0 replies · +1 points

As someone that contributed content to I have to say one of the reasons I never became a regular user of the site was the cluttered layout. There was almost too much happening on any given page to focus on the content which was usually good.

I really liked the idea of the expert in the field posting regularly and I think that if done right there is a market for this. Apparently was one of the more successful sites in this group and that also is not surprising as climbers are turning more and more to the web to share stories, pictures and much more with each other.

I was definitely sad to read that the sites will be closing shop.