


29 comments posted · 46 followers · following 69

11 years ago @ Atomic Toasters - What Ever Became of...... · 1 reply · +1 points

Cell phones took a lot of the magic away from CB radio (and amateur radio as well, the dozens of 2 meter repeaters around here in the DC area might as well be powered off since nobody uses them anymore), but even today having a CB on a long cross country road trip is a never ending source of hilarity.

11 years ago @ Atomic Toasters - The Official 2012 Atom... · 1 reply · +6 points

You'd probably like Dark Tranquility and early In Flames.

11 years ago @ Atomic Toasters - The Official 2012 Atom... · 0 replies · +6 points

What kind of Swedish metal, personally I'm into the early Gothenburg melodic stuff.

11 years ago @ Atomic Toasters - The Official 2012 Atom... · 0 replies · +9 points

Also, I am literally chugging $12/bottle trappist beer

11 years ago @ Atomic Toasters - The Official 2012 Atom... · 2 replies · +12 points

You get a thumbs-up! And YOU get a thumbs-up! EVERYONE GETS A THUMBS-UP!

11 years ago @ Atomic Toasters - Startup: Now That's La... · 1 reply · +3 points

If you stir the chocolate syrup in after pouring the milk into the glass, it won't accumulate on the bottom. Source: I drink a crapload of chocolate milk

12 years ago @ Atomic Toasters - What is Your Favorite ... · 1 reply · +5 points

Yak-3, comrades.

12 years ago @ Atomic Toasters - User Input: Celluloid ... · 0 replies · +10 points

"hacking" = typing rapidly

Also, every hard drive sounds like a Quantum Bigfoot with a million bad sectors.

12 years ago @ Atomic Toasters - User Input: Anti-Techn... · 0 replies · +4 points

I do miss the build quality of the old PCs though. I had a 486DX with a case that weighed nearly 50 lbs empty.

12 years ago @ Atomic Toasters - User Input: Anti-Techn... · 0 replies · +2 points

I love these old Thinkpads. I used a 380 and 760 until they just weren't fast enough to keep up with modern software. Then again, I am weird.