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12 years ago @ Hooniverse - Wagon Wednesday Long S... · 1 reply · +1 points

Well, sure, you could accomplish anything with connections and bribe money, but the 400 wasn't officially a Lemans wagon option until 1970 and even then it was a mildly-tuned version.

12 years ago @ Hooniverse - Hooniverse Asks- Whatâ... · 0 replies · +6 points

The rich evil ones ride in a black Mercedes 600.

12 years ago @ Hooniverse - Wagon Wednesday: Traba... · 1 reply · +3 points

What we have here is the DDR version of the famous Reliant Scimitar GTE shooting brake. A hell of a lot of effort has been done for dubious ends.

12 years ago @ Hooniverse - Wagon Wednesday Long S... · 4 replies · +2 points

It's "poncho" division, not "pancho". That one was from Don Quixote. Also, you couldn't get the 400 engine or associated GTO bits in a wagon - those were only for two-door Tempest/Lemans models.

12 years ago @ Hooniverse - Craigslist: 1966 Renau... · 0 replies · +1 points

It would have been better had Renault actually improved their cars instead of merely boasting about it. A Renault 10 might have been a better driver than a Dauphine, but it and every US-market Renault afterwards were still unreliable and trouble-prone.

12 years ago @ Hooniverse - Craigslist: 1966 Renau... · 0 replies · +2 points

That's pretty good, considering that according to contemporary road tests even a Dauphine-Gordini couldn't break 80. Must have been a long downhill slope...

12 years ago @ Hooniverse - Craigslist: 1966 Renau... · 1 reply · +4 points

This could also be translated to: "...where drivers expect their cars to be as reliable as their ovens and refrigerators and have no patience for delicate and fragile little gizmos, no matter how much Gallic charm they have."

12 years ago @ Atomic Toasters - An Exploded View... · 0 replies · +5 points

I was never into the coke much. It's too good of a drug to be trusted mainly because you can fool yourself into thinking that you're as functional as ever even though you're getting increasingly strung out. Also, the Vegas cops were pretty hard-assed about drugs even then. A guitar player we picked up in Vegas had a local apartment and we in the band spent an evening there watching movies and getting buzzed on a few Js. About five minutes after we left for home, the cops busted into the guy's apartment, tore the place up, and arrested him for dealing coke - apparently some girl he jilted tipped them off. Had we stayed five more minutes, we would have ended up in a Vegas jail too.

12 years ago @ Atomic Toasters - An Exploded View... · 3 replies · +4 points

I spent several months gigging in Las Vegas around 1990 or so and since the music gigs were mostly very late, I basically kept vampire hours. The big casinos are strange places at around 5 AM on a Monday morning. That's where you get the really hardcore night people - hookers, gangsters, people hopped up on God knows what, and even some very persistent little old ladies at the slot machines - all mixed in with tired and hungry showpeople like me as well as the janitors and cleaning staff.

12 years ago @ Atomic Toasters - An Exploded View... · 0 replies · +1 points

I think they've all gone back to normal hours. My experience was around a decade ago.