


514 comments posted · 32 followers · following 18

10 years ago @ Wonkette - Hero Arizona State Sen... · 0 replies · +3 points

They probably changed the palm fronds on the roof at least once since 1976.

10 years ago @ Wonkette - Hero Arizona State Sen... · 3 replies · +3 points

I spent DAYS on end at Fox's watching the boat races and every year, some dummy would jump in the water and get cut up by a boat motor. It looks the same now! (and I used to look like those cute little pole dancing girls. sigh!)

10 years ago @ Wonkette - Hero Arizona State Sen... · 0 replies · +12 points

Anything crystal is my motto.

10 years ago @ Wonkette - Hero Arizona State Sen... · 2 replies · +8 points

Engine structure depends on physical size and method of introducing fuel. Engines can be normally aspirated by a carburetor or fuel injection system (Pro Gas) or supercharged (Blown). The supercharged engine uses a blower to force air into the engine, resulting in increased compression per cylinder.

10 years ago @ Wonkette - Hero Arizona State Sen... · 2 replies · +8 points

I just have nice memories of stopping in Q, on the way from Phoenix to Parker, to buy big globules of colored glass from a place on the side of the road. They were discards from a glass factory and I'd buy them and use them for decorations. I know. Crazy. And then when the snowbirds filled up the local trailer parks, they'd have little craft fairs and I'd buy pretty rocks from them. :-)

10 years ago @ Wonkette - Hero Arizona State Sen... · 13 replies · +13 points

Dear Doktore Zoom, I lived in Parker in the mid-70s, with a blown-fuel race boat driver and prison escapee (I sure can pick 'em!). Some day, you and I should meet in Quartzite in some dark bar-mat stanky dive bar and drink to the old days, K?

10 years ago @ Wonkette - Hillary Clinton Confro... · 0 replies · +6 points

I thought the clue to it was whatever's on the front of his t-shirt because the bottom word is NUTS and I'm sure it implies that Hillary has NUTS and well I would agree that Hillary has some giant-ass NUTS and applaud her NUTSiness and how she has the NUTS to run for prez and the NUTS to shake this squirrel's NUTS, er I mean.

10 years ago @ Wonkette - Vegas Cop Killer Jerad... · 1 reply · +7 points

I don't think I'm qualified. :-)

10 years ago @ Wonkette - Vegas Cop Killer Jerad... · 3 replies · +23 points

Well, I can't go to Uzbekistan after all the trashing I did of the High Priestess of Torturing Daddyville and I'm surprised they let me into Meh-hee-co recently since I tol' everyone their prezzie might possibly be a gay murderer but I'm pretty sure the worst thing is the fact that my hangover on the Wonkette tour was so bad that Rebecca had to leave me behind somewhere and I had to take a 7-hour Greyhound bus ride from somewhere to somewhere to catch up with her. I think the only place I'll ever be able to work from now on is at Wonkette.

10 years ago @ Wonkette - Vegas Cop Killer Jerad... · 2 replies · +22 points

Some of Jerad's & Amanda's neighbors said they were on meth. That explains a lot more.