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4 years ago @ Wonkville - A grasshopper walks in... · 1 reply · +5 points

Thanks for the origin.. Here's some Bob Corritore I mean Little Walter.

4 years ago @ Wonkville - A grasshopper walks in... · 4 replies · +5 points

Cmdr had to go back to his workplace today because a couple months of at-home was 'slowing production'... He technically works for the State. It's insane. He feels safe, though.

4 years ago @ Wonkville - A grasshopper walks in... · 7 replies · +5 points

Most of the hottest summertime air comes from South Philly (ideology and farts). Fuck them. I'm trying to stay alive here in Phx.
Here's something for ya!

4 years ago @ Wonkville - A grasshopper walks in... · 0 replies · +6 points

'The giant red-winged grasshopper's hind legs act as miniature capitalists' is what I read.

4 years ago @ Wonkville - All good things must c... · 0 replies · +2 points

I'm so sorry, Zip. Our furfamilies are some of the most enduring and beloved. Take care.

4 years ago @ Wonkville - OH GOD · 5 replies · +4 points

Damn, I really have missed so much shit here.

4 years ago @ Wonkville - Phallic Fish Found on ... · 1 reply · +7 points

I was just going to post this! (Also, I added a pic.)

4 years ago @ Wonkville - A. I. Pies · 1 reply · +6 points

We love Ike. He survived the industrial-military stray complex and came out a decent cat-man.

4 years ago @ Wonkville - A. I. Pies · 3 replies · +5 points

No, sadly Jake our Maine Coon was 16 years old and succumbed to CKD. (We had to give him subcutaneous fluids at home, it was god awful.) We have his ashes. He was a furry distinguished man, an Admiral and a Senator of Hmmphville.

We waited awhile and got Ike! A very sweet little marble tabby bebbeh. He rolls around like a dog when Cmdr comes home from work. He is a wonderful kitteh!

4 years ago @ Wonkville - A. I. Pies · 6 replies · +5 points

Hi, Everyone! Wow! I'm amazed. I'm in a Master's program at ASU's Engineering School (haw haw, I guess) and it's going great. Cmdr is sleeping because he is a working man (and drinker) and is always exhausted. There is a 2-year-old cat baby to my right that I cover with blankies sometimes. He just gave me his "stop" look, so I will quit.