


138 comments posted · 7 followers · following 13

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - What Kind of American ... · 0 replies · +2 points

Mine is a LIAR! Northeast? New York City? I grew up in Charleston, SC. and have never lived below the Mason-Dixon. Bollocks to you Quiz!

*I'm going to take it again.

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - Kanyespiration: The Li... · 0 replies · +2 points

Pretty sure Kayne is bipolar and doesn't do the mood stabilizers. Or his version of a mood stabilizer is a cocaine, weed, and champagne cocktail. His publicist has got to be bat-shit cray by now.

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - Kanyespiration: The Li... · 3 replies · +5 points

Understanding that I'm leaving myself completely open to ridicule, "My Beautiful, Dark, Twisted Fantasy" is my go-to when I get to drive anywhere alone. In the minivan. I blast that shit sooo hard.

*That was a fabulously entertaining collection.

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - COW Bloody COW · 0 replies · +10 points

I'm currently trying to teach my 18 month olds to change their own diapers because I missed some of these, and they are simply brrrrriiiillllllll.

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - Thursday Open Thread · 1 reply · +4 points

People in Power: There's a little drafty-draft for you! Little is the operative word. It needs a picture and the "Most" in the title needs italics. I would do these things, but I have three hellions currently beating each other over the head with toy pianos.

*With love, from my little corner of hell to yours!

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - Thursday Open Thread · 5 replies · +2 points

So I've found that the only way to make endless, mandatory viewing of children's programing bearable is to give it the ol' porn twist. Dirty Dora the Explorer and whatnot. But I'm drawing a total blank with Winnie the Pooh. Can a dirty mind go dormant? Yikes. That is a world I do not want to live in.

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - Confessions of a Paula... · 0 replies · +5 points

Well, there's always that story I heard from my best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Demi Moore pass out at 31 Flavors.

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - Confessions of a Paula... · 0 replies · +1 points

Must one like "folks" in order to be considered "folksy"? Cause Paula went a round with agoraphobia. I'll bet she's pissed off about that missed pharmaceutical endorsement opportunity.

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - Confessions of a Paula... · 0 replies · +1 points

Since they not only came up with this gem, "Our hoes are complimentary" (for the hoe cakes they bring around at the tables), they slapped it on a t-shirt and sold them...I'd say your assessment was pretty much dead on. And shocker- that was the most popular uniform shirt with the male employees.
My hoe-ness is never just complimentary, I would have preferred they not imply that it was. Bad business decision all around.

13 years ago @ Crasstalk - Confessions of a Paula... · 2 replies · +18 points

Thank you all for not giving me the "why is this person with a measly 54p posting" side-eye. And thank you to the Overlords for editing, as it has been quite a while since I've had to try and combine more than three sentences.

*Crasstalkers kick ass.