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16 years ago @ DasBecca - School age. · 0 replies · +1 points

Color me embarassed. :-/ I didn't mean to spoil it for anyone-- I thought it had already aired all over (obviously didn't consider online or TiVo). The one positive is that I didn't spoil everything... There were still some big gasp moments in the finale.

16 years ago @ DasBecca - Storyboarding. · 0 replies · +1 points

Man, I wish. When/if there is a book deal, I will tell everyone immediately. Heh. :-D This is actually totally someone else's news, it just affects my life and my happiness. I'm waiting till things are For Sure before I spill the beans.

16 years ago @ DasBecca - Squabbles. · 0 replies · +1 points

No, no links section. My old one was so out of date, and most people who I would blogroll, I mention in entries with a link to them anyway. ;-) Michelle doesn't have a website, just a MySpace (http://www.myspace.com/lilshell4eva).

16 years ago @ DasBecca - Rollicking. · 0 replies · +1 points

YES. Score for new computers! :-D I'm so stoked for Sims 3. My Sims 2 has been neglected lately, but it's because I was getting frustrated by a lot of things they're addressing in the new game. I love that you can finally walk through the towns with your character and run into people. I also am madly in love with the new building tools. I've been waiting for those curved roofs for years.

16 years ago @ DasBecca - Rollicking. · 0 replies · +1 points

Yeah, as soon as you get sick again, you're like, "WHHHYYY! Why didn't I know how GOOD it was to be healthy? WHY didn't I run marathons when I could?!?" and you make all these promises that as SOON as you're well, you're going to climb a mountain, yada yada... but of course the second you feel better, you're back on the couch, eating a bowl of ice cream.

Or maybe that's just me. Heh.

16 years ago @ DasBecca - Rollicking. · 0 replies · +1 points

Happy Easter, other B! :-D I'm so sorry to hear you were sick, too. It's the worst feeling. I have no idea how it can completely wipe the grown people out but little ones keep on trucking.

I need to upload those photos-- I'm excited to see yours, too! I can't believe how big our girls are getting. Alyssa is precious. <3

16 years ago @ DasBecca - Rollicking. · 0 replies · +1 points

Oh my gosh, YES. It SO would be. Him and his army of boys. Heh.

I did get a little bit of sidelines coaching in myself, though. :-D Beforehand, I took Eli aside, and was like: "Okay, what you need to do is-- when they say GO, you run to the OTHER end of the field, and you start taking all those eggs. The little kids can't run as fast as you, so they'll be up front. That's our game plan, dude." And it totally worked.

16 years ago @ DasBecca - Jason is having the Be... · 0 replies · +1 points

YES. NEW BFF! :-D I wish everyone were as straight-forward as you, hehe.

16 years ago @ DasBecca - Jason is having the Be... · 0 replies · +1 points

This is such an amazing revelation to me. I didn't even realize you COULD question or make demands of card companies. And now I wish I'd known this earlier-- we wouldn't have wasted so much money over the years. We'll definitely be calling all the companies this week and trying to get them down, and doing it again in a few months. Thanks for the advice!

16 years ago @ DasBecca - Jason is having the Be... · 0 replies · +1 points

I wish we had more room! I've always wanted to meet all my online friends and readers. It would be awesome to, like, rent a beach house and invite everyone. :-D