


187 comments posted · 209 followers · following 12

14 years ago @ steenface! - Sharing The Love. Well... · 1 reply · +1 points

You didn't get homowners insurance? We had to get a years worth included in our contract and it covered our fridge when it stopped getting cold once and also when the ice maker went bonkers on us.

14 years ago @ steenface! - The One Where I Buy A ... · 1 reply · +1 points

YAY! Congrats, Steen! I remember the feeling when we signed those papers. By the way, OMG THE PAPERS. If Florida is anything like California then you might want to start warming your hand up now becuase it was A WHOLE DAMN LOT OF SIGNATURE!

I'm so excited for you!

14 years ago @ steenface! - What Do You Think?: Bl... · 0 replies · +1 points

I've been too exhausted and busy to read up on any drama this year. Last year's darama seemed really overblown once I watched the video of the keynote. I think it was more funny than anything.

Umm, I've really wanted to go for a long time. About three years ago it was in Santa clara like 10 minutes from my house and even THEN I couldn't make it. Then it was in San Francisco, about an hour from me and I wasn't able to make it. BLAH! Like you, I want to go every year but 'stuff' is always in the way. This year it was a laid off husband and needing to spend that money on things like food and all that 'necessary' crap.

But seriously, there was drama? I'm serious, I don't know when I'll have time to catch up on my feed reader so if you wanted to send me the Ciff's notes I wouldn't complain.

15 years ago @ steenface! - Two Years And Many More · 1 reply · +1 points

Happy Anniversary, Steen! :)

15 years ago @ steenface! - On Parenting, Because ... · 0 replies · +1 points

I agree with SciFi Dad but also see where you are coming from. And honestly, you are going to be a great parent one, when you are ready, because you waited till it was the right time for you and your family as a whole. I wish more people would put as much thought into it as you have.

15 years ago @ steenface! - In Which I Subject You... · 0 replies · +1 points

TEASE! You can't dangle something like that in front of us and not finish it!

15 years ago @ steenface! - Because Window Shoppin... · 1 reply · +1 points


*falls to knees*

I am in love.

15 years ago @ steenface! - The Obligatory Birthda... · 1 reply · +1 points

Happy birthday, Steen! :)

15 years ago @ steenface! - "You're actually fight... · 1 reply · +1 points

Okay, seriously? This is getting a little creepy.

So, JUST LAST NIGHT I Was telling Ben about how awesome it was that Wil was offering the $5 PDF copy of the book on Lulu. And how that hopefully more authors would see that and do the same.

Of course, he laughed at me the entire time because I have actually been a HUGE WW fangirl since his Star Trek days. I'm a huge Trek fan and spent many a night swooning over him on TV. I actually watched the Criminal Minds episode TWICE. Becuase I'm THAT lame. I've been reading his blog for a few years now and when he started up on twitter I might have squeeled... but just a little. ;)

Okay, we need to stop doing this "have stuff in common" thing because it's FREAKIN' ME OUT A LITTLE! ;)

15 years ago @ steenface! - "I Love To Love Your L... · 1 reply · +1 points


Actually, I just like you more now. So, WIN! Happy Valentine's Day, Steen!