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6 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Bible Gives Good Advic... · 0 replies · +1 points

What I mean, is this section isn't much about the prayer as it is about doing things to attract attention to the supposed "Christian." Verse 2 says, "...do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets..." Verse 5 says, "... do not be like the hypocrites..." Verse 16 says, "...do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show others..."

So, is the main idea of this section about prayer? Or about doing things to be noticed?

7 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Bible Gives Good Advic... · 2 replies · +1 points

Take care not to take things out of context. These are just two verses. Look before and after so that you are not changing the meaning.

8 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Additional Thoughts on... · 1 reply · +2 points

There may be some from the religious right who are off mark. But the way I see it, the problem isn't the woman who uses the ladies room with an Adam's Apple. This has gone on for years with no issue.

It is the pervert who thinks that it is easy to use this as a loophole.

When you see things like this in the news, ask yourself this: Why is this important now? And remember, it is an election year. Politicians, activists and lobbyists are trying to use this issue as a platform for votes.

11 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - We Lost Mark Pogue · 0 replies · +4 points

Some of Mark's posts were thought provoking. I am thankful for the challenges he has made to my belief. He was a man with good intentions. May his family find comfort in these times.

11 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Chick-fil-A: The Taste... · 0 replies · +3 points

I would have guessed that an atheist would understand how wrong it is for another group of people to say, "You are wrong and need to change."
I remember a judge, in reference to a homosexual v. religious case said, "Tolerance is a two way street."
The definition of Bigotry: Bigoted attitudes; intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.
My recent post Religion is a Pillar of Strength in America

11 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Chick-fil-A: The Taste... · 2 replies · +3 points

Both side have a right to free expression. But those who are organizing these said protests often use words such as acceptance and tolerance. If you are protesting, how is that acceptance of someone else's expression? If you are protesting, how is that tolerance? Acceptance and tolerance is a two way street.
My recent post Justice? Or Blind Justice?

11 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Chick-fil-A: The Taste... · 5 replies · +3 points

I've heard it said, that if you don't support same-sex marriage, then don't get one. The same can be said about Chic-Fil-A... if you don't like what they stand for, then don't support their business.

What about the groups, like HRC that are spreading non-tolerance and non-acceptance of Chic-Fil-A by protesting their stores? Why doesn't anyone talk about the bigotry there? Instead of letting them be, they are causing turmoil. You may not agree with Chic-Fil-A... but they too are being pressured by bigotry.
My recent post Tolerance - by Ronald Reagan

12 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Ronald Reagan on Separ... · 0 replies · -2 points

Reagan was a president geared more towards unity.
My recent post Athiests, Antitheists and the Antichrist

12 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Real Christians Don\'t... · 0 replies · -2 points

Maybe Divine Plan is what you mean... it would make more sense.

But, whatever you (or anyone would) want to call it, if I could, I would still try to defend you or most anyone.

My recent post Religion is a Pillar of Strength in America

12 years ago @ Atheist Revolution - Real Christians Don\'t... · 2 replies · -1 points

If it was that simple, you could say so. But, it isn't that simple. Life isn't that simple.

But the original post was about protection, not starting a war... but, if someone were threatening you with a gun, and I had a gun too... you should have confront that even I would protect you.