Biden's Barbarians

Biden's Barbarians


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12 years ago @ - Bachmann on Joint Sess... · 0 replies · -1 points

Me neither. I guess they just need to label their opponents. They got tired of calling us all Nazis and that wasn't working for them anymore.

On the other hand, it is accurate to call them communists.

12 years ago @ - Bachmann on Joint Sess... · 2 replies · 0 points

Leftover from the days when they were the "Love" airline (hot pants for flight attendants) plus it commemorates their significant legal battles against industry regulations. They had a protracted battle to be allowed to serve Love Field, Dallas, where there corp HQ is.

12 years ago @ - Senior Al-Qaeda Leader... · 1 reply · +3 points

Generally things work out just fine for us. We have had some neighbors who refused to let their kids play with ours because our children are "going to hell" for not being believers. We NEVER try to impose or even share our beliefs with them. If we didn't like it, we'd move to somewhere else.

12 years ago @ - Senior Al-Qaeda Leader... · 0 replies · +4 points

We gotta aks Peggy Joseph if'n it worked for hersef.

12 years ago @ - Senior Al-Qaeda Leader... · 0 replies · +1 points

Ooops, sorry, I was off by 700 years. The world population when Islam made its early expansion by the sword was closer to 200 million, or about 3% of what it is now.

12 years ago @ - Senior Al-Qaeda Leader... · 3 replies · +4 points

As a devout atheist, I acknowledge that this nation indeed was founded upon Christian principles and at the hands of Christians.

Those people and principles did a pretty good job for us for hundreds of years, too.

My life is not diminished by the presence of Christian symbolism and words and even prayers in court houses and other public buildings.

12 years ago @ - Senior Al-Qaeda Leader... · 0 replies · +2 points

He prolly has a wrist strap so he doesn't lose his pipe...

12 years ago @ - Senior Al-Qaeda Leader... · 2 replies · +1 points

I wonder if we looked back in time to the early spread of Islam if we could calculate how many people in total were slaughtered or enslaved by the religion of peace.

The raw numbers may not be so impressive just because the world population 700 years ago was only about 400 million or about 6% of what it is now, but when you look at the percent who were brought to Islam with the only alternative being death, there certainly were entire regions where the forced conversion ratio was 100%.

12 years ago @ - Senior Al-Qaeda Leader... · 0 replies · +1 points

I think we're going to see a lot more "agent provocateur" posts from liberals who post racist comments while presenting themselves as conservatives.

They're really getting desperate.

12 years ago @ - Senior Al-Qaeda Leader... · 2 replies · +5 points

"Precedent" mean Obama gots elekted to give us free gas & mortgages!