


219 comments posted · 4 followers · following 0

11 years ago @ Wonkette - Margaret Thatcher Dead... · 0 replies · +8 points

This is great cheese. Very good indeed.

11 years ago @ Wonkette - How Long Before Fox Ne... · 0 replies · +1 points

Everyone knows that the Fox News suits are absolutely ecstatic that Obama won re-election. A Romney win would have been a death sentence for their ratings, and Obama's win is nothing but a continuing money shower for them.

11 years ago @ Wonkette - A Children's Treasury ... · 0 replies · +9 points

Sweat love is right. I mean left.

11 years ago @ Wonkette - Caption Contest! The P... · 0 replies · +5 points

Where's the beef? Oh.

11 years ago @ Wonkette - Romney Declares 'FIRST... · 0 replies · +6 points

Series National Issues ? Ok.

12 years ago @ Wonkette - James O'Keefeā€™s Trai... · 1 reply · +7 points

Speedway, Illinois, which never existed, has since changed their name and location to Speedway, Indiana. You are welcome.

12 years ago @ Wonkette - Jennifer Rubin Opens Yap · 0 replies · +1 points

Work ethnic. Hmmm.

12 years ago @ Wonkette - Empress of Outer Space... · 1 reply · +12 points

Narrator needs to have another cig.

12 years ago @ Wonkette - Happy 'It's Not Mexica... · 3 replies · +5 points

Presidente is a brand of whisky (brandy), not tequila.

12 years ago @ Wonkette - Chuck Grassley Learns ... · 0 replies · +1 points
