Cognitive Dissident

Cognitive Dissident


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8 years ago @ Pissed Off Pirate - I upgraded from Boyfri... · 0 replies · +7 points

HAHAHAHA. I love this.

8 years ago @ Pissed Off Pirate - Fallacy in Justice · 1 reply · +5 points

Or voter suppression?

8 years ago @ Pissed Off Pirate - Fallacy in Justice · 3 replies · +5 points

I agree, but many do not.

When I hear righties take the view that former convicts should no longer have the right to vote... I am suspicious of their logic / motivation.

8 years ago @ Pissed Off Pirate - Fallacy in Justice · 5 replies · +5 points

Don't forget the question of whether one should be able to vote after "paying their debt".

No doubt, this is an issue in American politics that is colored by racial views. (No pun intended.)

8 years ago @ Pissed Off Pirate - Ashley Madison - really? · 0 replies · +4 points

I have trouble seeing this topic through any lens but in regards to the Josh Duggars of the world.

Anecdotally, I've noted that conservative religious WASP / evangelical HUSBANDS seem to be prone toward cheating. Considering all the patriarchal bullshit from this part of our culture, I find them to be the most hypocritical of Americans.

I suspect a lot of these types got caught up in the Ashley Madison wash.

Good. Fuck them.

We need to be less puritanical. We need to have a healthier and less repressed attitude for sex. When we start doing these things, airing out our weird hang ups, etc... then there will be less Ashley Madisons, less ruined lives, less suicides, etc.

8 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Woman Shoots Man Who A... · 35 replies · +15 points

Roger defends a child molester like Josh Duggar?


9 years ago @ Pissed Off Pirate - Is anyone even still h... · 1 reply · +3 points

Glad to hear about your career mojo. I'm jealous of the overlap you have between work and non-work interests.

for me... fairly the same as always... generally. Work is fine, wife and kids... domestic bliss!

guess I'm enjoying the Disqus scene. One major setback was a thing that happened where, and I don't know exactly what side the actors were on... when I was on Breitbart I was 'blessed' with some kind of automatic-up-voting activity. not sure what the instigators were going for, but it got me banned rather swiftly.

The interesting thing I will say for Disqus... they are plugged in to quite a lot of places. Which makes for interesting scene-hopping.

9 years ago @ Pissed Off Pirate - Is anyone even still h... · 3 replies · +3 points

just checking back. How's everything?

9 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - What This Guy Is Build... · 23 replies · +8 points

still stuck on stupid, huh Roger?

9 years ago @ Impeach Obama Campaign - Mark Levin: I’m ’S... · 11 replies · +9 points

thanks Jerry.