knuckles II

knuckles II


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10 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Evening Open Post - Ma... · 0 replies · +3 points

I don't care anymore......

Read my lips....

10 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Evening Open Post - Ma... · 2 replies · +4 points

I'm thinking if the Republicans give us another Bush For President (named Jeb), I will not just not vote Bush...
I'll set myself on fire. Right there in front of the RNC headquarters in Washington. And I'll try to take down several RINO's with me.

10 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Leaked Transcript: Bil... · 0 replies · +3 points

I'm sure the ecofreaks will be up to the task.

Right now the eagles are saying "WTF ? One minute we're treated like gods, the next we're killed off like flies. What's with those liberal morons ? Are they just stupid, or are they doing this on purpose, as part of a larger plan ?".

10 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Hillary Clinton’s Ly... · 0 replies · +3 points

Dean on a Possible 2016 Presidential Run: ‘For the Time Being’ I Support Heinrich Himmler....
....oh, I mean, Hillary Clinton.

10 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - LeBron James Announces... · 0 replies · +1 points

Our President, Karl Marx von Hitler...

oops, sorry, I mis-remembered his name. I'm getting a little old...

11 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Andrea Mitchell: Katie... · 1 reply · +5 points

" I'll take 'Marxists' for a hundred, Alex "
Alex : "Ok. The answer is..."
Contestant #1: "Nancy Pelosi..."
Alex : "You're answer must be in the form of a.. "
Contestant #2 : "Who is Dingy Harry? "
Alex : "It's not your turn..."
Contestant #1 : "Dingy was my next choice"
Alex : "Let's start again, and I'd remind you that this show is being monitored by the government....."
Contestant #3 : " Hillary! "
Contestant #1 : " 'Who is' Hillary?"
Contestant #2 : "She's the one who comitted all those crimes..."

Alex (reading his teleprompter) : " Contestants, and you folks at home, you should know that George Bush is responsible for all our problems..."

(You guys were waiting for me to mention Barry, weren't you?)

11 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - Andrea Mitchell: Katie... · 1 reply · +3 points


Oh, um....... this is the lightning round, right?

11 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - The deep meaning of Be... · 0 replies · +5 points

"All Big Government Statist, Socialist, Progessive And Communist Politicians Around The World Resign Immediately; Make Way For Good Leaders Who Increase Freedom And Prosperity....."

That was a little daydream I had during my break at work today.

11 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - These Gorgeous Women A... · 1 reply · +2 points

Yeah, you have a good point.......but the Coggy mindset is running the country, IMHO.

11 years ago @ Conservative Victory News - These Gorgeous Women A... · 3 replies · +2 points

And, finally, Coggy's worried that Obama might get too conservative :

"If there's anything true about your timing suspicions, then I say: I sure hope a few more scandals pop up, and then force Obama to do even more topic-controlling big changes. He's been more than flirting with the possibility of winding up all too conservative. He ran as a liberal, we elected a liberal, its well darn time we see him lead and govern as one!"