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10 years ago @ Left, Right & Cent... - DC Drama, Ukraine, Nig... · 3 replies · +1 points

Good idea. Maybe we abandon the current week and post about this week on last week and then next week we can post on this weeks blog which will become last week beginning next week.

10 years ago @ Left, Right & Cent... - Jill Abramson Fired, K... · 18 replies · +4 points

"The major civil rights laws were passed in the 60s and a higher percentage of Republicans voted for them than did the Democrats."

You make his - stan's - point.

I don't think it does. Stan's point is that the racist in the Democratic party left and became Republicans out of opposition to civil rights. This is Democratic party revisionism because it didn't happen.

10 years ago @ Left, Right & Cent... - Jill Abramson Fired, K... · 20 replies · +4 points

All of this occurred before the realignment, where Southerners started electing Rs to office after the Northern Ds and moderate Rs passed the civil rights laws, leading to the realigned parties we know today.
I call BS on you StanH. I have had to correct you on this clap trap before.

The major civil rights laws were passed in the 60s and a higher percentage of Republicans voted for them than did the Democrats.

Going way back to 1920 and 1928, Hoover and Harding started winning Southern states, Tennessee, NC, Virgina, Kentucky, Florida, Texas, and West Virgina. In 1952, Eisenhower/Nixon beat out Democrat Adlai Stevenson and his segregationist running mate, John Sparkman, to win Tennessee, Texas, Virgina and Florida and increasing their take of southern states 4 years later. All that while Eisenhower was Desegregating schools and the military pushing for civil rights legislation in the 50s.

The south wasn't really solid for the Republicans until Nixon in '68 and even then, he lost Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas, and Mississippi — either to Democrats Hubert Humphrey or George Wallace (who held several offices as a Democrat until the late 80s).

10 years ago @ Left, Right & Cent... - A Good and Bad Economy... · 14 replies · +2 points

Since it is normally a blood sport around here to bash Foxnews, I would like to pile onto MSNBC for a moment. The delightfully named Krystal Ball on that network recently ranted that George Orwell's book, Animal Farm, was a story about capitalistic greed when it is an analogy of Communists taking power and the Soviet Union. She thinks the pigs are Mitt Romney!

Sadly, she doubled down on this wrong interpretation of the book in another broadcast. Sometimes it is better to just admit you were wrong. I wonder if she read the book in school and if that teacher is hanging his head in shame now.

10 years ago @ Left, Right & Cent... - Cooling Off in Ukraine... · 5 replies · +2 points

Actually, it is the southern whites who were disappointed that the measure passed.

I think the AC has you here. You seem quite beside yourself that this measure passed.

Note: Since the population of Alabama is ~70% white and ~25% black, ~100% of those opposed to the measure were white and ~50% of those for the measure were black.
You just made this up. You have to provide proof that "~100% of those opposed to the measure were white," you can't just say it is so and we have to take your word for it.

Besides, as was pointed out, this was a vote that happened 14 years ago and was largely irrelevant. How is it relevant today other than for you to level crass accusations around?

10 years ago @ Left, Right & Cent... - Cooling Off in Ukraine... · 23 replies · +1 points

you think that this factory was built to exacting Government decreed standards that prevented those good capitalists from building and operating a factory that was safe for their workers

Clearly they didn't but it wasn't because they were evil capitalists, it was because they were operating in a third world stink hole where corruption trumps rule of law.

Sounds like what the right believes.
It is your warped view of the right. You seem to operate under a "heads, I win, Tails, you loose" mentality on this sort of thing. To you, a factory disaster is automatically a failure of capitalism was a factory and factories are owned by capitalists. When the government is corrupt and allows terrible and unsafe conditions, it is still capitalism that is at fault.

10 years ago @ Left, Right & Cent... - Cooling Off in Ukraine... · 0 replies · +1 points

The ACLU did not bring this lawsuit -- it had decades to do so if it desired.

The ACLU filed a brief in favor of the evil right wingers. Also, the ACLU can't just sue for no reason, you have to have a case to work from.

The fact of the matter is that this case was about weather the suit could be thrown out before getting the law struck down. SBA List wants to keep the case alive but the "victim" dropped his complaint and moved to Africa (really). The government wants to have the case dropped because they are worried that if the case goes forward, the courts will strike down the law.

No -- the right brought this lawsuit because they saw this law as an impediment to their lying.
The ACLU has supported the ones bringing suit because they properly see this law as an impediment to freedom.

10 years ago @ Left, Right & Cent... - Cooling Off in Ukraine... · 1 reply · +1 points

Spoken by the one who doesn't want words put in anyone's mouth and doesn't want to lie about what others believe.

There is a saying, what is good for the goose is good for the gander. You found it acceptable to lie about AC's views and he turned that tactic back onto you.

If you don't like it, you should abstain from it yourself.

10 years ago @ Left, Right & Cent... - Cooling Off in Ukraine... · 0 replies · +2 points

I don't think anyone here is arguing that they do need them, the problem is that many "subsidies" are simply broad tax breaks that everyone gets and because of the sheer size of the oil industry, those tax breaks add up as well as the profits add up.

The profit margin for the oil industry isn't exactly high compared to other industries, it is just that they are sooooo huge.

10 years ago @ Left, Right & Cent... - Cooling Off in Ukraine... · 4 replies · +3 points

These are the folks who tell us that there has never been any racial discrimination here. Enough said.

Citation please. Find the serious person who is claiming there has never been racial discrimination.

Put up or shut up.