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8 years ago @ Crasstalk - New Week Open Thread · 0 replies · +1 points

LA native here, baby. Love that ride!

8 years ago @ Crasstalk - New Week Open Thread · 1 reply · +10 points

Because of Kaine or Clinton?


8 years ago @ Crasstalk - New Week Open Thread · 0 replies · +6 points

On a calmer, quieter day, this is something worth thinking about. Not even discussing. Just thinking about, re the calls to "Lock her up".

"This isn’t issues-based dismay over Hillary Clinton, and if it once were, it has transformed into something far more grotesque and dangerous. The merging of left-leaning political antagonism toward Hillary with the distortions of the right has left us here, with progressives — people who care deeply about our planet, about health care, about immigration, about minimum wage and police brutality and voting rights and reproductive rights and the future of the Supreme Court — heaping outsized condemnation not at the fascistic ogre who rose in Cleveland last week, but at the only person who realistically stands between him and his stewardship of this country. A vocal portion of the left is now aping the fantasy constructions of the right wing, showing themselves more focused on Hillary’s personal destruction than on any of the crucial issues at stake in November. Welcome to the Democratic National Convention."

8 years ago @ Crasstalk - Clintpocalypse Now: D... · 0 replies · +3 points

I would be so mad if I were his wife. Diet, tomorrow.

8 years ago @ Crasstalk - New Week Open Thread · 0 replies · +1 points

Yes, serious, but a different reason. Look up to my second comment to Maxi. Because Cummings, as part of platform committee duties, refused (along with Hillary) to insert a rebuke to president Obama, in the form of an anti-TPP plank.

Hillary came around to agreeing with Sanders, supposedly, but she refused to make it official because it would appear to be a rebuke to President Obama. Cummings said this explicitly in 6/29 Washington Post story by Dave Weigel. I found it on my phone. If you're interested, I'll try to add a link.


"We have one president, and I have listened to him argue his case many times, and I know that he truly believes this," said Cummings. "He really does. I disagree with him, but I don't want to do anything, as he ends his term, to undercut the president. I'm just not going to do it. In his last six months? I'm not gonna do that."

8 years ago @ Crasstalk - New Week Open Thread · 0 replies · +7 points

Everybody's angry these days. We live in an angry world. We'd all be better off if there were a way to turn the dial down a little, but... *shrug*

I was curious so did some nosing around. They were chanting TPP. Bernie of course wanted a TPP plank. Hillary agreed w/his position but refused. Cummings oversaw that portion of the platform and also refused, saying it would be a rebuke to a beloved president.

Cheers, Maxi.

8 years ago @ Crasstalk - New Week Open Thread · 7 replies · +1 points

Why did his supporters chant during Rep. Elijah Cummings speech?

8 years ago @ Crasstalk - New Week Open Thread · 1 reply · +3 points

That's a very interesting piece. Thanks for linking.

8 years ago @ Crasstalk - New Week Open Thread · 0 replies · +2 points

Enjoy yours. Hope the temps drop.

8 years ago @ Crasstalk - New Week Open Thread · 1 reply · +8 points

Who says anyone is? The question is why do we hate her so much. Which the article attempts to answer. Not required reading.