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8 years ago @ Wonkville - How Much Does This NYT... · 1 reply · +5 points

Good. Because otherwise I'd have to think you're a total pathetic dickbag who thinks he gets to dictate what other people post, and that woukd be silly.

8 years ago @ Wonkville - How Much Does This NYT... · 3 replies · +6 points


8 years ago @ Wonkville - How Much Does This NYT... · 0 replies · +6 points

Here's a sexual suggestion: shove it up your ass.

8 years ago @ Wonkville - How Much Does This NYT... · 0 replies · +6 points

MoDo is an oped columnist. One can comment on someone's opinion. This was not written by an oped columnist but was a news article, one that has been covered in other publications. Pointing out that Hicks job tenure is hinky and shady says nothing about any particular reporter's sexual proclivities, and it's weird and creepy to imply it. Covering the news does not mean that either you tried and failed to sleep with the subject (if we believe that these guys knew it was a male reporter, which.. questionable) or that you are just jealous that this underqualified person is pretty and you don't get enough action. Either construct is creepy and weird.

8 years ago @ Wonkville - How Much Does This NYT... · 13 replies · +8 points

Hicks was working as a minor PR person for Ivanka's handbag line when she plucked for this position, where she does not do the duties that normally one would do in that job, but only turns down all interview requests and transcribes Trump's tweets for someone else to actually tweet. The one time they let her email something, she sent it to an AP reporter instead of a staffer. It was not envy that caused people to question why she has this job.

8 years ago @ Wonkville - How Much Does This NYT... · 4 replies · +7 points

You weren't joking? Holy shit. No Just no. Writing about how Hope Hicks is clearly unqualified for her job, and barely does it. is not grounds to make creepy weirdo remarks about the reporter's sex life. Yikes. Stop that. Gross.

8 years ago @ Wonkville - How Much Does This NYT... · 21 replies · +8 points

Please, for the love of Christ, tell me you were being sarcastic and you guys aren't this jaw-droppingly sexist. (Sorry, not quite awake, this is a joke and not an invasion by incel reddit trolls, right?)

8 years ago @ Wonkville - How Much Does This NYT... · 0 replies · +11 points

LOL. Pretty sure no one resents or envies Hope Hicks, incompetent future trophy wife.

8 years ago @ Wonkville - Just Create an Account... · 1 reply · +7 points

But not old like me! (Don't worry, I will still blame any and all congenital defects in our future horde of children on you, not my expired sperm.)

8 years ago @ Wonkville - Ladies, He's Single! (... · 0 replies · +4 points

Wait, it's "honorable" to wait until you take your huge bonus and leave on vacation to give your notice? The working world has changed. (Also, really love how the father of these children is entirely a non-person to this twit.)