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13 years ago @ Big Journalism - The "Angry Newt" Narra... · 0 replies · -3 points

Even Limbaugh is saying Newt's using the "language of the left" How do you folks feel about that?

In the extremely unlikely event that a 'thuglican gets the presidency, is every one here looking forward to a big tax hike? Cuz you'll be getting one unless you are in the one percent. That's a fact, jack. Someone will have to pay for those huge tax breaks that we'll be giving away to our million and billionaire friends

13 years ago @ Big Journalism - The "Angry Newt" Narra... · 0 replies · -1 points

From listening to you folks, it sounds like everyone of your potential candidates is a real scumbag. Each fatally flawed. Pat yourself on the back baggers - you are making Obama V.2 a shoo-in

13 years ago @ Big Journalism - The "Angry Newt" Narra... · 0 replies · 0 points

If only it were true, maybe we wouldn't have had this 30 year decline caused by Reaganomics

13 years ago @ Big Journalism - The "Angry Newt" Narra... · 0 replies · -2 points

oh - ok - Ron Paul's right on that we must end our tenure as World Police, and end the war on drugs- all of his other ideas are what make him assuredly unelectable. My favorite of your crappy batch is Frothy - i don't agree with him on anything, but I think he might be the only one on stage with an actual beating human heart

13 years ago @ Big Journalism - The "Angry Newt" Narra... · 2 replies · -2 points

r u talking about ol ignoramus Perry? Is Rick Perry the most Socialist public official in America? Think about it.

He thinks Social Security is a Ponzi Scheme, but in January he gave himself a $92,000/year pay raise by “retiring” so that he could start collecting retirement benefits while continuing to collect his government paycheck.
He thinks Medicare is “Socialism” but as a career politician, he’s always been on government healthcare.

He cut $4 billion for public education funding even though his own education and flight training came via institutions funded by the government.

He also lives in $10k/month taxpayer-funded rental mansion, tried to use eminent domain to seize hundreds of thousands of acres of land from its rightful owners (google texas trans corridor) and he wanted to inject all Texas schoolgirls with a vaccine with or without their parent’s consent.

Oh, and he somehow managed to get rich while drawing a government check. But yet he's an "outsider".

Pull this leg and it plays "Jingle Bells"

13 years ago @ Big Journalism - The "Angry Newt" Narra... · 1 reply · -4 points

it's irrelevant since you couldn't find a candidate "pure" (or mainstream enough) to get elected.

It is sweet poetic justice to know that the Tea Party is actively helping to lock down Obama's 2nd term. I LOVE IT!

13 years ago @ Big Journalism - The "Angry Newt" Narra... · 0 replies · -3 points

Fair question. Christy's contempt for the electorate, his general rudeness, and his raging big mouth are gonna get him in big trouble. It's only a matter of when.

13 years ago @ Big Journalism - The "Angry Newt" Narra... · 2 replies · -8 points

"Vote for the man who represents you the most, then get behind the man who wins."

That's what you Tea Partiers should be doing right, supporting our President as he digs out, month by month, the wreckage caused by the deregulation of everything. Reaganomics is what screwed this nation up. This site is like visiting an insane asylum, such is the complete inversion of rational thought.

13 years ago @ Big Journalism - Sound Bite For The Day... · 4 replies · -11 points

When LBJ signed the civil rights act he was quoted as saying "we've just the South for a generation" turns out he was wrong. What was LBJ talking about???? He was talking about the mass migration of Souther Democrats to the Southern Republicans, so that they could keep on hatin' and discriminating the negroes. Why are you trying to revise history?

13 years ago @ Big Journalism - The Dead Baby Pile On:... · 1 reply · -15 points

screw the ugmos, right dana L?