149p7 comments posted · 1 followers · following 0
14 years ago @ - Flight Attendants Figh... · 1 reply · +24 points
14 years ago @ - UN calls for higher ta... · 1 reply · +2 points
14 years ago @ - UN calls for higher ta... · 14 replies · +4 points
I would really like to know what makes you guys think that government was put there to replace your mommy and daddy?
It is a funny thing how your little minds work, you want to fund this so therefore you think everyone else should be forced to do the same.
You know when a conservative wants to fund something we right the check with no intention of forcing other to do the same.
You know when a conservative doesn't like guns we don't buy one we we don't try and force everyone else not to have one.
I just don't understand you and I want to know if your attitude is in response for making up for inadequacy in other departments or what.
14 years ago @ - UN calls for higher ta... · 7 replies · +213 points
15 years ago @ - Police: Ohio woman hit... · 1 reply · +4 points
15 years ago @ United Press Internati... - Obama goes prime-time ... · 0 replies · +2 points
16 years ago @ - House OKs $787B stimul... · 1 reply · +4 points
Why is it the people of AZ are so fricking stupid to keep electing a piece of shit like Harry Reid. WTF. Are they putting crack in the water in AZ? Really what is your excuse? Is there no one else with three legs to vote for. I knew AZ has snakes but i didn't know you elected them to office.
You would think one look at Ca finances would be enough to get a clue that who you are sending to represent you are pieces of worthless trash yet you keep sending them. Only a total moron keeps doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. All you Dems keep blaming Bush and I know he was worthless as well but wholly shit Batman the dems have held control of the house and senate for the last two years and that is who hold the purse strings? Get a clue?
Right now the people running the show could not pound their pud if you loaned them two extra hands. Obama is Clueless, Pelosi shoved the stick in his ass and Harry is pulling the strings. Obama on stick!!