


638 comments posted · 11 followers · following 26

9 years ago @ Church Techy - Going... going...g....! · 1 reply · +1 points

Thanks for the interest but you're late to the party if you want it. Other than technicalities I've agreed to transfer the blog contents and name to Lauren Hunter of

9 years ago @ Church Techy - Going... going...g....! · 3 replies · +1 points

Hi Jeremy I have one interested party so far - I have to dig out some analytics for them first.

9 years ago @ Church Techy - Social Media Privacy · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks for the comment Morgan - not sure why you got spam queued and even less sure why I wasn't mailed about it - but approved now so ...

I hear what you are saying about FB Messenger and ultimately I guess it comes down to knowing what you are letting yourself in for - just equally be aware that your security is now up the Swanee. Blessings.

9 years ago @ Church Techy - Top 30 Church Tech Blogs · 0 replies · +1 points

I appreciate you taking time to stop and comment - but watch your RSS feed as I may just be closing this blog ... I haven't decided yet. That decision will come in September at the latest.

10 years ago @ Church Techy - 2014 Onwards... · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you kindly bradrhine... it's looking like that just may be the case. Appreciate you stopping by to comment.

10 years ago @ Church Techy - 2014 Onwards... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hi Jeff and thanks for taking the time to comment.

You make a fair point about it being my call but I also want to make sure I'm producing what folks want to read and hopefully also comment on. But knowing there are folks out there that definitely do read the blog is helpful. Bottom line is I'm encouraged by your comment and by the the private ones I've received to carry on.

10 years ago @ Church Techy - Top 30 Church Tech Blogs · 0 replies · +1 points

Many thanks Sam and I appreciate your taking this time to say so.

Can I ask you also look at my previous post (linked above) and give me some answers / feedback there as well? Might as well get you whilst I can.

10 years ago @ Ron Edmondson - When Did Christians Be... · 1 reply · +1 points

I've often joked about the fact that there are nasty people in the world but the real nasty & vindictive ones appear to be in church and say they are followers of Christ.

An example I vividly recall (you'll see why in a second) is some 25 or so years ago I wasn't quite as svelte as I'd like (still not but that's another issue with which I'm comfortable) and it truly takes a christian to deliver a cutting remark instead of grace. Anyway a young chap, new to the church, was sat behind me one day as I wa plying my then role of doing the OHP's and the pastor said something. Next thing I know, said young chap is poking me in the back and said "he means you fatty".

Skip forward 15yrs and that same young lad is now pastor of my church and has been for 10yrs. Thankfully he's changed since then :)

10 years ago @ Church Techy - Dangers of URL Shorteners · 0 replies · +1 points

Happy to have helped. And thank you for stopping by.

10 years ago @ Church Techy - Dangers of URL Shorteners · 0 replies · +1 points

Thank you Dawna.