


67 comments posted · 14 followers · following 30

14 years ago @ Preacherboy - Mondering Pondering · 0 replies · +1 points

Thanks bro. God has opened some great doors on collaboration for us, even today. Excited to be working with 3 other churches to see us support this community. God is up to something. I can't wait to share with you.

14 years ago @ Greg Atkinson - How To Create A Facebo... · 1 reply · +2 points

Great info Greg, thank you!

14 years ago @ Greg Atkinson - Sean Payton, Risk and ... · 1 reply · +2 points

It's seems we are always taking a risk. We want a huge God blessing and know that's He's asking us to step out and risk it all. We've given our savings away to help others, we've hired without having the means to pay, we've opened our church for skaters and said goodbye to being a Holy Huddle at the expense of losing people who just want to come and be fee.

14 years ago @ Greg Atkinson - Big Week · 0 replies · +1 points

Brother you are constantly on my prayers.

14 years ago @ Preacherboy - What Does The Bible Sa... · 0 replies · +1 points

Sorry, I did not. Got side tracked, but I'm on it now!

14 years ago @ Michael Hyatt Blog - eBooks: Writing a Winn... · 0 replies · +2 points

Just purchased. Looking forward to the read and writing!

14 years ago @ ChurchCrunch - Deadly Viper Redesign ... · 2 replies · +1 points

So many pretty things to look at on here. Wow, this will keep me occupied for hours!

14 years ago @ - Cultivating Communication · 0 replies · +2 points

Matt--great article. The Church needs to see and grasp the constant changes around it. It's not changing the unchangeable Word but adapting and changing how that Word is communicated. It's much like how Jesus saw the needs around him and at that point chose, what was considered, unorthodox ways to communicate the Truth. Wish I could be there. Praying for you guys and Innovate Team.

Brett (bfam)

14 years ago @ Chronicles of Dawnia - Asst Coach. Lord, Help... · 0 replies · +1 points

Maybe you can do a promo for Ideacamp PNW doing a cheer!

14 years ago @ Chronicles of Dawnia - Ideacamp Video: ICDC J... · 0 replies · +1 points

Hey, I'm in the elite top 10 WhooHoo!